make it stop
2024-09-15 - 6:06 p.m.
Trauma's such an insidious little shit. I mean, it lives rent-free in the brain... slowly chewing it up and pooping it out the tear ducts Sometimes, for me, it feels like my brain is becoming Swiss cheese. PTSD hits me in different ways. I constantly check to see if my headlights are on while I'm driving--sometimes even during the day--because of that fatal car wreck I witnessed years ago. The man who caused it didn't have his headlights on, so why do I check mine? Sometimes, I'll look through my closet for something to wear and see a T-shirt I got while at a concert with Bry. Or sometimes it's a T-shirt from high school (yes, I have 30 year old clothes in my closet) that we both had. Like that classic Nine Inch Nails T shirt that she even wore for a school photo. Or other times, my brain will acknowledge that a coffee cup or plate is something I bought while shopping with Bry when we had plans to move in together. I'll see these things and not want to wear them or use them. They're either too precious or too painful, or I can't detach sentiment from them. At work, I'll see a woman who vaguely looks like my mom (from years ago, usually, because she has changed dramatically in 4 years), and for a split second I'll think, "Oh, I wonder what she's doing here..." But in an equal split second, I know it's not her. It will never be her. Toni said she experiences the same thing when seeing a woman who looks like her mom. I bet it's a universal mind-fuck we all share. There have been times when a man raising his voice makes me recoil. Like, I can physically feel myself shrinking and my eyes watering. I am not exactly sure where this comes from... Logically, it has to be from my dad yelling at me when I was little. But when I try to think of examples, I don't really recall him *yelling*. It's more a sensation of being unable to escape or being punished for something beyond my control. Some of the worst years of my childhood were stained with that sort of emotional abuse. That's the only link I can think of with yelling. My stepdad never raised his voice at me nor any man I can remember. The raised voice doesn't even have to be directed at me to spark the recoil--just proximity is enough. I don't experience a full shutdown with these things. They're triggering, yes, but I don't have a crippling brain break the way my mother would when she heard the word rape. It's still intrusive, though. I don't want to check my headlights or even have the urge to check my headlights. I want to be able to drive without a single thought about that crash. I want to be able to drive down that road without wasting brain cells on reliving that night. I want to be able to drive past a place another deceased friend had lived without thinking about him and remembering I'll never get to see his weird photoshop artwork on social media or hear him call me one of his silly pet names. I hate the way my mind works.
you can be anything you want to be; I want to be free
2024-09-06 - 7:02 p.m.
I don't think my mom recognizes me. It's one of those things I have been noticing for the last year or more... but I didn't quite know how to face it yet. I don't press her to recall things and name things, but when other people from the nursing home are around, they will ask her who I am. Sometimes it's another resident, and sometimes it's a caregiver. She doesn't know how to respond. She doesn't do much talking. So, they press her: "Friend? Family?" "Friend," she answered the other day. "I'm her daughter," I said. She doesn't correct it or agree. She just smiles. Each visit is heartbreaking. The residents and caregivers all beam about how sweet she is. I'm glad. She wasn't sweet when her brain was intact. She wasn't an evil person before, but she wasn't a saint, either. Despite the cancer and dementia, she seems much the same as she did 6 months ago. No thoughts. Heady empty. I guess it's a small blessing she doesn't have the kind of dementia that makes one belligerent and cruel. It's still stressful. And painful. I usually visit for about 30 minutes and then have to escape and get fresh air. Nursing home air is stifling. Anyhow, sometimes I can't help but wonder what the future holds for me or my sister or my nieces. Or even my brother, who is already mentally challenged. Oddly enough, one of the CNAs at my mom's place new my brother through friends of hers. Sounds like she knew more about what was going on in his life than I do. I'm not sorry about that. The familial bond is not strong enough, and I don't have a great track record with those. Oh, well. There are things I don't share too much or expound on at length. But I think I'm in a lucid enough place to write that my relationship with my sister's grown less and less important the older I get. For so long, I had to compartmentalize the pile of shit that was my childhood. I had to play nice and be civil and act as though the past didn't happen or that I didn't care that it happened. And I would even lie to myself about how sincerely fucked up I was as a result.
But I don't have to live that way anymore. It means the resentment curdles like old milk, but at least I'm not bottling it up and storing it inside me like I'm some refrigerator for spoiled things. Man, I've lost the plot. Sometimes it feels like I'm one snapping thread away from a mental breakdown. I want to crawl away into the hills until I find a nice bog to claim. There, I can be a bog witch and delight in growing moss on my toes. I could scream and whimper and snarl for no one's benefit but my own. The mushrooms and I would be great friends because I do not eat mushrooms. They're adorable. And if I forget who I am, the mushrooms and moss could cover me and take care of me until I've whimpered my last whimper.
Tick tick tick
2024-04-23 - 9:17 p.m.
I am so tired. My instinct is to say "selfishly so," but, no. I am allowed to be tired. We are all allowed to be tired--no matter how grueling or unproductive a passage of time has been. What good did it ever do me to chastise myself for my own emotions? If anything I've written in the last 20+ years is any indication: fuck all. Sigh. Be kinder to yourself.
Counter offer: you eat glass and I cabbage patch backwards off a cliff
2024-04-10 - 10:03 p.m.
I've never been diagnosed with ADHD. I actually haven't been diagnosed much with anything since I was pretty neglected as a kid, developed a debilitating fear of doctors after one tried to freeze a wart off my hand without anaesthetic (I was like... 3-4 at the time?), and went huge swaths of time without insurance since I hit adulthood. Yeah. I basically only seek medical care when I'm so uncomfortable that I would rather white-knuckle it through a check-up than suffer whatever bullshit is haunting me. Like not having a period for a year, a gall bladder causing me so much pain that I pray for death, or pneumonia. You know: the fun stuff. Medical care, of course, includes cognitive health and mental health. I was never formally diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, and I very much have that. If you could peer back into the 80's and examine me with the same tools used today... It would probably have been caught in the first grade. It started with writing letters backwards even before that. To this day, I "hold my pencil weird." I omit letters or words when writing or arrange words in an awkward way--which is why I re-read everything I ever write about 50 times before letting anyone else read it--and even then, I miss things because my brain doesn't see some errors.I used to have to track words with my finger while reading to myself or out loud. I still get lost in sentences sometimes and have to start all over. I absolutely hated reading until middle school. My reading comprehension scores were always absolute garbage all the way up to high school. Fortunately, by that time, I had started to read for pleasure and it helped quite a bit. I still tanked on any standardized tests involving reading. I needed more time but was never allowed more time because I was not diagnosed with anything. Fuck me, I guess. Dysgraphia, dyslexia, and ADHD like to share the same punch bowl. I am a fly doing the backstroke in said bowl. There's this thing, which I didn't even know was a thing until I learned about it from my partner who has ADHD and dyslexia, called rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD). If you Google it, some of the first snippets you'll see are: "Low self-esteem, extreme self-doubt, and negative self-talk. Being overcome by sudden outbursts of negative emotions like rage or extreme sadness. Experiencing emotions as a physical sensation, as though you've been punched or wounded. Difficulty controlling or managing reactions, leading to feelings of shame." ( "Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is extreme emotional sensitivity and pain triggered by the perception that a person has been rejected or criticized by important people in their life. It may also be triggered by a sense of falling short—failing to meet their own high standards or others' expectations." & "When this emotional response is internalized (and it often is for people with RSD), it can imitate a full, major mood disorder complete with suicidal ideation. The sudden change from feeling perfectly fine to feeling intensely sad that results from RSD is often misdiagnosed as rapid cycling mood disorder."( Well. Shit. I have this in spades. Through most of the 4th grade, I was realllly struggling. I've written about that at length before, so I'm not going to re-hash it now. But if I could capture how I felt every time my teacher or the SAFE teacher or my dad talked down to me, I would say it was like being strangled by someone you want to please yet nothing you do loosens their grip. I felt like shit for 2 years straight (because I repeated that grade). It happened again in middle school when I had an English class that focused on sentence structure, composition, and things that make dyslexics cry. Words. I nearly flunked that class all year. Those were things specifically related to reading, naturally, so the response I had was overwhelming. But I had a very RSD type of reaction to other things going on through childhood and later. My mom never really took an interest in me, personally, but if she felt like I had hurt her in some way (usually some narcissist journey into gas-lightville) it would deeply upset me. And my dad. Oof. He made me feel like shit on the reg, so I can't pinpoint any particular examples that I feel like sharing atm. When a "best" friend cut me out of her life completely, it was catastrophic for my mental health. It was the ultimate rejection, and it plunged my ability to trust people and myself into the dark ages. For years, I thought I just had some sort of failure complex, and I may have even referred to it as such in the past. But I think I understand it better now. If I got negative criticism at work, I would go into fight or flight mode. I only have this response when I feel I've been treated unfairly or have no means of defending myself. It's not like any little thing would send me reeling--it had to be in a situation where I felt cornered or targeted. When I got fired from one job, rage exploded from my face in tears. My depression amplified by 100%, and I went on a destructive path that emptied my bank account in 4+ years. Where am I going with all of this? I got a review at work today. I got the worst raise I've ever received in my life, and I started working in 1997. Ten cents. I know. Believe me, I know. It's retail. It's a shit job at a shit company. But ten cents? Are you fucking kidding me? The person giving the review wasn't even my boss but said my performance was good; it was my attendance that hurt me. I said, "Is this taking into account the time I missed due to my mom's health issues between the time of her cancer diagnosis all the way up to Christmas?" He didn't know. Of course he didn't. I had this conversation with 3 other "managers" (they don't call them managers, but that's what they are), and two of them aren't even at the company anymore. They probably didn't give enough shits to write anything down. The last one is HR, and she's about as useful as tits on a boar. Hell, the very first day I missed at this job, four years ago, was due to my mother's health. And I don't even feel like my attendance was that bad? The last couple months have been a shit show, and that didn't even have anything to do my mom. True. I'll own that. I tried to change my availability last year because I desperately needed to and was told that I'd lose hours if I did so, then they just flat out denied it. Cool. So, now I'm scheduled at 4:30 in the morning, meaning I should be getting up around 3:30 in the morning. My physical health has not handled this well. My immune system has been crippled because I am not getting enough sleep. I can't go to bed at 8pm. I've tried. Even if I go without sleep for a couple days, I will just lay there in a puddle of anxiety. It's fun. Remember jumping in puddles when you were younger? It's like that but every puddle is gasoline and you're wearing sparky rollerskates. So, my half-assed solution to this problem is a complete social-life killer, but I didn't have much of one to begin with so whatever: I sleep 2-3 hours in the afternoon, then another 2-3 hours before work. That's still a garbage amount of sleep, and I still feel like shit every day, but it's better than trying to go to work on just 2-3 hours a day. But I work really hard. I get sick a lot but only call in when I must--like when I have the vomits/shits or some pesky little thing like covid-19. And I have called in for a mental health day a couple times in the last year, no fucking doubt. I'm not going to tell them that--it's really not their business if I'm having a nervous breakdown because my mom's dying or something has triggered a cascade of depression (like seeing a T-shirt in my closet which I got at a concert with Bry). Supposedly, this company has a policy about mental health days, but they don't actually want you to take them. Funny that. Anyhow. Rejection sensitive dysphoria punched me in the mouth the second I walked away from my review. I immediately started crying because ten cents is so disrespectful. All my other raises there have been mid. Lower than any other place I've worked but not THIS insulting. And this was after I'd agreed to stay late to help out. Hah. My shift ended at 12:30. It was 1:30. I wrapped up what I'd been working on and fucking left as quickly as I could. I got to my car and tried not to hyperventilate. I drove home with jaw clenched and rage boiling. We ordered pizza, I took a nap, and here we are. I'll be processing this for weeks. Raging between finding another job and depression. It'll be swell. I definitely won't write paragraphs of word vomit about it.
When you have to remember that Remember means nothing
2024-01-02 - 3:07 p.m.
I can't believe it's a new year already. Right before Christmas, my sister had to call an ambulance for my mom because she fell and they couldn't pick her up and get her on her feet. So, she wound up in the hospital for a few days. This sounds bad, but it's actually a blessing because she has since been moved to a rehab/rest home. Rehab first (for the fall and some assessment, I assume) and then she'll move into a residential room. I had to fill sign about 80 pages of documents the other day, but it was well-timed as I got to see her shortly after. She'd just been dropped off and settled in. I also went to see her today as it's her birthday. She was talkative, though she was looping pretty badly over the gift I brought. "What's that?" "A gift I brought you. There's some chocolate in there, too." "Oh." And then she'd read a calendar on the wall. "January 2024." "Yeah. Isn't that strange? 2024?" "Yeah. What's that?" "A gift I brought you." "Oh... January 2024." And so on. Next time, I won't bring something she is unfamiliar with that she'll hyper-focus on. All things said and done, this is the best thing for her. She's needed full time care for a couple years now. I know my sister is relieved. She wasn't in a position to care for her and hadn't been since the beginning. It's still distressing knowing what she's going through, but I am very content with the fact that she is being looked after. And she doesn't have Lynch syndrome. I didn't hear the full results of the genetic testing, but that was the main one people were concerned about. In other news, my dad has covid. FFS. I think he'll be fine. He's just a smidge miserable. But he went to the doctor as soon as he felt sick, and the VA gave him some drugs to help get over it sooner. He's 81 years old but a tough old bird.
I am undeserving of comfort
2023-12-01 - 9:46 p.m.
My dad called earlier to tell me he got a new TV. And that my mom's doctor isn't going to pursue any further treatment for my mom's cancer. But he has a TV again. He went a whole two days without one. Yes, it was sandwiched like that in the phone call. She had surgery a couple weeks ago to remove the uterus and attached bits, but they found that the cancer had spread beyond that... which means stage 3. From here on out, it's just appointments and a ticking clock. "She's senile, so treatment wouldn't be worth it--wouldn't improve the quality of time ahead of her." Paraphrased. My heart feels so heavy. And I'm still paralyzed.
Knocked Down by a Feather
2023-09-19 - 12:54 p.m.
I could plop down some information about my mom today. Could at least say they think it's *only* stage 2 cancer. Eh. I am selfishly curious about the genetic testing they plan on doing to see if she has Lynch syndrome... because if she does, then there's a good chance my sister and/or I have it. It's a very bad thing to have; it's connected to several fun cancers. I'm more than a little worried about it since my mom's mother died of cancer, one of my half-uncles died of cancer (never met him or the other one), and now my mom has cancer. So. There's. That. And I keep dreaming about Bry lately. They're not even directly about her. She's just there, sometimes. I have this Crown Royal bag of dice her dad gave me many years ago when we toyed with the idea of DnD or VtM. I can't stand even looking at it, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Bury it? Burn it? I don't know. And then there's the pendant. When we were in middle school, she had her dad make me an amethyst pendant with copper wire. I wore it every day for years and years until the copper wore out. He took the stone and made a new setting out of silver wire, which I also wore for years and years. It's in my jewelry box now. The chain I used for it broke a long time ago, and I never found a silver chain I liked well enough to replace it. It had to be sturdy since I wore it every day... And then it just retired. As did wearing most jewelry, really. I have earrings in that have been in my ears for a decade at least, but I seldom wear anything more than that. I dunno where I was going. Um. Dang.
is there a cat in the box
2023-08-31 - 6:24 p.m.
If I repeat myself, I apologize. I don't re-read my diary much, and I write in a few different places (an actual journal being the main one, when I have the energy). No word yet on biopsy results. I called off work yesterday, and it went by in a blur. Maybe I should have worked... though I probably would have been one slip away from a mental breakdown. Who can say? Actually... can't even think what I wanted to write.
2023-08-29 - 12:49 p.m.
For years, the space between my ears has been a delicate bundle of spidersilk encased in the thinnest sea shell. If the outer part breaks, the inside will blow away. My dad called today to inform me that my mom probably has cancer. They'll find out Thursday. Strangely enough, I was just talking about her today with a coworker. It wasn't an in-depth convo... I just mentioned that she was essentially an absent parent and that my dad got custody of my sister and I when they divorced. I guess it was at the fore-front of my mind because I think about it a lot anymore. Trauma and cyclical thoughts go hand-in-hand. Just a thought about one dark thing will spark the entire trauma network in that spidersilk to come to life and play its greatest hits. I mixed my metaphors. Fuck it. I'm not sure how to feel. When her dementia escalated three years ago, I mourned more for the relationship I'll never have with her than I did for her. I guess I mourned as if she were gone. Before the whole eviction and brother thing, I tried to raise the alarm bells. I knew something wasn't right with her... She was looping far more than her usual. (Looping is how I refer to her repeating herself, which is something she had always done. She'd tell the same stories dozens of times fishing for sympathy or attention. The model narcissist. She'd ask the same questions dozens of times because she wasn't listening to the answer the first time and her brain was already racing to the next sympathy bait.) At the time, my sister was deeply removed from any interaction with my mom. Might as well have been on the moon. And I didn't know what to do or how serious it was. My relationship with my mom was already strained to the point of near-non-existent. I would get a call or a visit maybe once a month. All the crap going down with my brother (she took him out of his state care, where he basically lived in a home with other people like him--or far worse than him) strained it even more because I knew it was a bad idea. And she did it solely so she could afford a house or apartment after she lost the family house. If not for him breaking into some neighbor's house (and mom forgetting to pay rent), I wonder how much longer they'd have gone on like that... And what other stupid things he would have done. I don't even know where my half-brother is these days. I have no relationship with him at all. Maybe if he hadn't stabbed my mom in the face with a screwdriver when he was 12, and then been bounced around the country from hospital to hospital, I would have gained some sibling bond with him? I doubt it. I was his babysitter for a very long time... Basically, she'd leave him with me when it was her custody-assigned weekend to have me. And she'd also drop him off at my dad's house whenever she felt like it. There was a lot of resentment there. Still is. I was 12 when he was born, and as he grew up and his disability became apparent, it became harder and harder to deal with him. He was destructive from the word go. I digress. He's in state care again. That's all I know. Before this turns into me trying to justify being separated from any familial obligation to my mom, I'll just put forth that no one should feel obligated to take care of "family" who are family in name only. My sister got stuck with my mom because getting help for a senior citizen with her state of mind is next to impossible if you don't have the money. You'd think that she, too, could be committed to state care. I don't know. I have no idea how these things work, despite reading up on random shit available on the internet. She is "still our mom." I know that, my sister knows that, my dad knows that. But to be obligated to someone responsible for so much abuse, so much neglect...? For the malformation of your sense of self, self-worth, and mental well-being? I'm not so sure. I am sad. Trying not to be selfishly sad all over again. Trying to reconcile with the fact that this is it. It's bad. Just waiting on biopsy results.
Are you there, Odin? It's me, Fyx.
2023-06-29 - 6:40 p.m.
70 years. That's the sentence Steve received today for murdering three people. He's 65 years old. He'll die in prison. I don't believe any number of years would satisfy me. But at least it is done. No more wondering what will happen to him. He'll die in prison. Some day. I'm glad the judge rejected the defense of him having a mental snap and concluding this was the solution to possible "financial collapse." As I wrote before, it's complete bullshit. As co-dependent as they all were on each other, they were still adults. Any one of them could have fallen all the way down into the gutter (though that never would have happened) and risen to dust themselves off and find a way out. No, that's not why he murdered them. Maybe that's what he's telling himself. If he still believes in the Asatru faith, I wonder if he's doing mental gymnastics in his own head to wrestle with his beliefs. I don't imagine Frigg would think very highly of familicide. I guess that's between him and his gods.
Insert your own title idc
2023-05-18 - 6:07 p.m.
Today, Wilson's defense entered a guilty plea, and he's to receive 25 years for each murder. Not sure if "consecutive" or all at once. Either way, he'll probably die in prison. The actual sentencing is in June. What I cannot wrap my head around is that it took them so long to do a psych eval. He apparently suffers from "mental illness" (no shit) and was delusional due to medication. After correcting his meds, he is no longer delusional. And then there's the motivation for the murders. He said he was afraid of their financial situation with Lisa's retirement approaching. Which... I'm sorry, no. I'm sure she would have received a pension and social security. Bry had a very stable income from the Library. Bronwyn may have gone through jobs like a pinball, but she always found one and could have contributed to the household once faced with that responsibility. They weren't destitute. They weren't on gov't benefits or turning to food banks. That would never have happened. I don't believe their outgoing expenses were so great that they would be in dire straits if Lisa retired. And I don't believe he failed to kill himself, too, because he'd had too much wine. I'm not in his head nor do I want to be, but it feels like a very selfish motivation is the root of the crime. I think he felt like he was solving a problem. He was trapped with 4 depressed people, including himself. All of them were extremely codependent, with three of them being dependent on him for transportation even with some of them using some form of public transportation (maybe even more dependent on him with the pandemic--I assume they took less public transport due to that). He was a "house husband." How much strain did he really endure as the house caretaker of three adult women? I don't know. I don't know who did what chores around the house or who handled finances. Whatever the case may be, he took their lives rather than just pack up and escape a situation he deemed so dire that the only solution was murder. He could have just left. Would it have hurt them? Yes. Would they still be alive? Yes. It would have been a struggle for him, for sure. He could have moved in with a family member, gone homeless, even just killed only himself... But he didn't do that. He'll read books in jail, get three meals a day, be given medication for all his ills, and maybe think about what he did and wonder what he could have done differently. I'm taking a few days off next week with it being the anniversary of the murders. I don't want to be a little powder keg while trying to stock fucking pencils or candles or whatever stupid shit I have to do at my shitty job. It's a paycheck. But my mental health is hanging by a thread and that thread has been unraveling for a year.
The gift that keeps on giving and taking and giving and
2023-01-20 - 2:43 p.m.
I like shouting into the void. Mumbling into the void? It helps me clear my thoughts. About five days ago, I developed a fever overnight. I tried to go to work, because I was not aware how unaware I was of myself, and then returned home and took my temperature. Just a couple points shy of 102. And then the lethargy hit me hard. I was in bed for 2 days. And then I felt a tickle in my chest. Hmm. Whatever could this be? Congestion hit like a ton of bricks. I've barely eaten this week. No appetite. Yesterday, I woke up with no sense of smell or taste. Took an at home covid test and it was positive. But an at home test isn't good enough to take a leave of absence from work (I get 10 days), so I made an appointment and got a test that has a paper trail today. When that email comes in, I can file for loa, at least. Adult shit is fun. I have no idea where I picked it up or when. I wear a mask in public, still, and am pretty vigilant about washing my hands... But I guess it was bound to happen. No one else wears a mask. I haven't had a booster in a while. This sucks. I feel like 10lb of shit squeezed into a 5lb bag. The fever has been down to 99-100 for a couple days. The congestion in my face all the way into my lungs feels like an ever-shifting sandbag of hate. I've had worse. Pneumonia was worse. I'm trying to stay on top of this so it doesn't turn into that monster. What's fun is that I have had alllllllll of the symptoms. I haven't vomited since the first fever day, fortunately. I just hope I can get over this quickly. Five more days and I'll have to go back to work... And it's hard figuring what my energy levels will be like then when right now they are nil. The fever dreams are unpleasant. Cyclical. Annoying. Cyclical. The brain fog is real, but I can't tell how much of that is the fever or the congestion or the fatigue. Maybe it's a result of all three.
let me tell you somethin'
2022-12-30 - 5:49 p.m.
I reach my little, gnarly tendrils out and try to grasp at things that aren't there. Like a ghost trying to hold onto a memory. The holidays were a mixed bag. On the one hand, I was stressed out from work and all the bullshit that goes on there. I was also extremely frail in the mental wellness department. Still am, if we're being honest. One more holiday to go. On the other hand, I was pretty spoiled for xmas. So, inescapable nightmares? check. New TV? check. For the first time in almost 2 decades, I have a new cell phone. Don't @ me. I'm a boring pos. The landline was more expensive than a cheap cell phone plan, so that won me over. I love technology, but I am also a frugal turd goblin. I have no idea how I have lived without one for so long. Just lucky, I guess. No one really calls me but my partner and my dad. All my other contacts can reach me through the internet :X And that's probably how it will remain, even though I have a phone thingamajig now. I smashed my pinky at work and it hurts so damn much akghasghg;h ow.
Burn the panties I guess
2022-11-17 - 9:00 p.m.
In the dumpster fire that is my brain, I just remembered something terribly stupid. It was sparked by binging Trixie and Katya on youtube. They mentioned voodoo, and my skull opened up like an old lady's change purse. This gem of crusted shit popped out: Over 20 years ago, my former friend and her husband showed up at my door. She was upset because he had cheated on her (I guess against her wishes because they had a pretty open--yet extremely toxic--relationship). I don't know how or why, but they had a pair of panties belonging to the woman he had slept with. In hindsight, this is so incredibly weird but I didn't question it too much at the time because we were all incredibly weird, and she was always doing borderline insane shit. I have mentioned her here before many years ago: Julie. Anyway, she wants to put a curse on this poor girl. And I just roll with it because 1) I don't believe in curses, 2) My beliefs back then were wishy-washy, but I didn't believe magic worked that way, and 3) it would maybe calm her down and remove me from the situation faster to get it over with. If she should be cursing anyone, it shoulda been herself for continuing to stay with that guy and have an open relationship and know he was bound to put his dick where she didn't approve because it happened probably more than even she knew. But I digress.... So, I know nothing about real revenge type magic. I was loosely Wiccan at the time, and Wiccans don't practice voodoo or dark arts or curses. Not real Wiccans, anyway. At most, they have spells for repelling such feelings/curses and redirecting them back at the user. General neo-paganism has diluted Wicca down to wishful thinking and crystals. I don't practice anymore. But that's not what I'm here to write about. We proceed to "curse" the panties. I made up shit on the fly. Whatever looked and sounded genuine to her was enough to do the trick. Then, she wanted to burn them? I think? My memory is spotty. The husband, all the while, was just looking totally lost and sort of going along with it, too, because I guess her directing anger at the other woman was better than taking responsibility himself. Idk. We went to a local park that was easily accessed even in the middle of the night. Once there, she continued to ritual-ize destruction of the panties as proxy for the other woman. It was the dumbest bullshit, and I'm fairly sure police would have locked us up for being weird dumpster people if they'd seen what was going on. I don't remember much of the night after that. I'm amazed I remembered this event at all. I must have locked it away, along with so many other interactions with Julie. I know I sanitized everything after that. Your crazy friend brings crazy magic panties into your house, and you wash everything down and "cleanse" your house. Sometimes I can't help but think about her and all the things I last heard about her. Nazi paraphernalia, Mexico, more kids. Her first child is in his twenties right now. Holding him as an infant was one of my last good memories with her before the... whatever that was--psychotic break, misdiagnosed post-partum, bi-polar disorder breakdown? I hope that kid had a better life than what I was seeing it head towards. She had the audacity to say I was still his godmother one of the last times she reached out to me. (Which I know I wrote about here many years ago.) Anyhow, now I can't help but wonder what sort of curses she tried to put on me. She did think I was after her husband, after all, even though I thought he was just foul. He made me deeply uncomfortable, even in front of her, and she just let it happen. I mean, the dude tried to sniff my crotch while resting his head in my lap at a park. What. The. Fuck? Ugh... They were both such prizes. I wish I hadn't felt so committed to her because we'd been best friends for so long. She treated me like shit most of the time. I put up with so much bullshit when I had better people in my life. Better people who deserved my time and my love. People that wouldn't try to set me up by surprise with a guy who's only prerequisite for sleeping with me was shaved legs. (I was asexual at the time, which she saw as a problem that needed fixing). People that wouldn't tell me I would never understand true love. People that treated me like a person. People who wouldn't block me from their lives without speaking to me. I am still bitter. That happened 22 years ago, and I am still bitter. Was that the curse? Did she curse me with heartbreak and bitterness? Good thing I don't believe in curses. All that crap is just natural.
Sweet Sangria
2022-10-16 - 6:07 p.m.
Imagine losing access to the part of your brain that recognizes your own hands, your feet, the side of your nose when you look down... your own reflection in the mirror. You still experience sensations. You know they are happening to you. But the disconnect, the disassociation is so strong that nothing feels "right." Nothing feels as it should be. If you can get there, that's how I've been feeling a lot anymore. I've always had the disassociation thing or the disassociative amnesia. A trauma response, I'm told. Happy Birthday to Bry. Nothing happy about it. It's just something we say, isn't it? I hope your birhday is happy, so Happy Birthday! The dead can't feel one way or another about a birthday or what you hope for them. She would have been 43 today if her father hadn't shot her. My chest hurts. Today, I wanted to do something for her--to honor her. But it's no different from any other day. I shed a few tears, I carry on, I cry again. I'm listening to some Tori and thinking of the last show of hers we saw. Ages ago. Louisville. ~Drive all night. If life's a tapestry, Bry's sewn into most of mine. In more of it than not. Her death feels like someone's yanking hard on her threads and trying to pull me apart. I'm full of similes and bullshit tonight. Shade and sweet water, Bry.
Flowery Language and the Fools Who Fart It
2022-10-06 - 3:51 p.m.
Be kinder to yourself. That's what I keep saying, keep affirming, the last few years. It's not the easiest thing to do when you've been hard on yourself for nearly your entire life, but trying it out is better than nothing. Trying it out makes you really step back and see what an asshole you've been to yourself... even if you couldn't help it. That's been my experience, anyway. And then there's the second trick of not berating yourself for being an asshole. It's surprising how that can loop back around right into being an asshole to yourself when you're desperately trying not to be. Which leads me here to think about Bry again in a more open setting than just my skull cavity. Inevitably, I'll think of her and my thoughts take a running leap at that slippery slope of self-loathing for not being in her life more consciously the last few years. I sit here in a desk chair with a bathrobe draped over it which was intended for her as a Yule gift some years ago. Before the holiday, I had messaged her about getting together to exchange gifts and all that seasonal jazz. I can't recall the exact conversation, but my squirmy memory is telling me that she was somewhat distant and basically replied with "Why bother?" I don't recall if I inquired why she answered this way or if something were wrong... I just know that we didn't really hang out after that. Not in person. Despite the fact that she lived a 15 minute drive away. I was flummoxed about the whole thing, yet I didn't try to course correct, and I'll never know why she chose to write those words. If I'd been a better person with a better brain... Oh the what-ifs I could chase right now. Instead, I have to let the guilt rack me like a storm door to the face. And then I have to regain composure and repeat, "Be kinder to yourself." You might as well ask me to tap dance on a spinning top. I don't have many friends anymore, and my bubble has just shrunk even further. My partner calls me a hermit. Truly, I can't pinpoint why I don't socialize more. I mean, I am an introvert, but I can handle some socializing as long as I get to retreat when I am ready and decompress when I am done. There is one thing I know about myself which is pretty shit and I've wrestled with since my late twenties--I am incredibly selfish with my time. It comes from being held hostage by my mom when I was a child. Okay, let me rephrase that so it doesn't seem like she was ransoming me for my dad's paycheck. Ahem. As far back into my childhood as I can remember, my mother would take me out with her while she went shopping. She went shopping a lot. I have more memories of this time with her than I do of anything else. Most people might remember all the times their parents took them to the park or taught them how to ride a bike or took them on an ice cream date or w/e. I remember being dragged along on every shopping trip. I remember wandering away from her and sometimes hiding in the clothing racks. I remember sitting in the car for hours because I was just too tired and too bored out of my goddamn mind to walk around the same shops and malls again and again and again. And I never had any stimulation on any of these trips. No books, no headphones, no portable games, no coloring books. Nothing. I was just there; I was just a collection of molecules existing and it never occurred to her that I had needs. So, I'm very, VERY selfish with my time. I hate being at the mercy of others or doing anything by their schedules when it's something I didn't sign up for. Do not drag me to the DMV when you need your license renewed, for example. If I have something with me to entertain myself, I might be okay. Otherwise, please just let me exist on my terms. It's kinda crappy that my brain noodles like this, but I can't help it. As a compromise, I do force myself to try not to feel like a hostage when I do get pulled into things I don't want to do. Being an adult is a series of inconveniences, so if you don't compromise, you will have anger/stress issues. Or I will. I get anxious just thinking about being at the mercy of others. This is why I prefer driving myself to whatever engagements I've promised to attend. There. Now I'm at no one's mercy. I can leave whenever I want. The rub is that I have to really get myself warmed up to do anything anymore. I'm so tired. When even hanging out with people I like becomes a chore because I feel like shit, I tend to become a little computer goblin and stay home. Ugh, I have to go hang out with people? BUT I WORK IN THE MORNING. WHINE. The stars have to align for me to do social things. No prior commitments, no work in the morning, no time constraints, etc. And, yeah, I do spontaneous shit all the time in contrast to what you may think. But I am still weighing the consequences like some sort of neurotic turd. Truly, this is living.
MOD are you out there?
2022-08-12 - 10:51 p.m.
Why does grief wax and wane now? Is it the fact that two months have passed and my mind wanders into dark alleys as if looking for a fight? I don't fuckin' know. So so so much of the things I learned I loved were shared with my best friend. Books, shows, movies, games, anime, drawing, writing stories, creating characters... All of those things are steeped in memories with her. If I watch a new show, I'll think, "I bet she would have liked this." If I doodle in my notebook while on break at work, I'll think, "This reminds me of the vampires we used to draw." On and on, everything circles back to her. And I get so deflated, so angry, so blindsided with guilt because I can't reach out to her and ask, "Have you watched The Sandman yet? What have you been up to?" That chance is gone.