Sleeping with Ghosts

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2002-11-06 - 12:57 a.m.

currently: successful!

I finally got online with PSO. *happy dansu* I did have to buy a router... *not so happy dansu*

Let's add it up, shall we?

Gamecube 150
PSO 50
Memory card 15
Cable Modem 80
Ethernet card 10
Router 40
Cable install/whatever 36
Extra long ethernet cable 8
Hunter License 9
First month of cable 27



And I have to make sure the cable company is not charging me for an extra IP address, and make sure they've got my student discount filed away. And I need to buy another ethernet cable, so I don't switch back and forth.

That's it. I'm not spending shit for a month or so.

Larry scared me to death at work today. He collapsed 3 times. O_O We made him go home. I hope he goes to the doctor. And Cockass was such a prick about it. I wanted to punch him in the throat. GRR. He has the social skills of a dead chicken.

Election day... Gee, this was a toughy. The poll should have listed our candidates as dumb and dumber.

current level: 20
Ila evolved into Varaha (again, eww)

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data