Sleeping with Ghosts

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Vanilla shampoo is by far the best shampoo in the world

2003-10-19 - 2:52 a.m.

Ever been in a situation where you wanted to squirm out of your skin and slide away on your bloody feet to the nearest exit, or is that just me? XD

currently: blurgh!

*and several minutes later, I have emerged from the shower, hastily thrown on one or two items of clothing, and sat back down in front of the screen*

Where was I? I got distracted by my uber warm shower. Towels? WHO NEEDS TOWELS. I'll drip dry, thank you.

Oh... yes... Must confront harrassment boy from work. Advances reaching critical. Death will ensue if his course is not altered. *shiver* Yuck. >.>

My foot still hurts. =(

Murrrrr... I can't wait to plant my ass in the sand and let the ocean slowly devour the shore with me on it. Come and get me! Take me home! Mmm... water.

And now, I am going to bed. =D sleep.

Look how they shine for you

2003-10-18 - 1:01 p.m.

I jumped across for you
what a thing to do...
yeah, cuz you were all yellow

Have to go to work in a couple minutes. Bleh. Dammit... I was going to write somehing mildly witty, but it's jumped out of my brainpan already. >_<

Don't be afraid. I won't bite. Unless you want me to.

My foot hurts. *glares at it* BAD FOOT!

totally radical hot box action

2003-10-17 - 5:38 p.m.

"Never let it be said I was untrue. I never found a home inside of you. Never let it be said i was untrue. I gave you all my time. I gave you all my time"

Bring on the music for the slow healers!

Magnetic Fields
100,000 Fireflies

I have a mandolin
I play it all night long
It makes me want to kill myself
I also have a dobro
Made in some mountain range
Sounds like a mountain range in love
But when I turn up the tone on my electric guitar
I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me
I went out to the forest and caught
A hundred thousand fireflies
As they ricochet round the room
They remind me of your starry eyes.
Someone else's might not have made me so sad
But this is the worst night I ever had,
'Cause I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me
You won't be happy with me,
But give me one more chance
You won't be happy anyway
Why do we still live here
In this repulsive town?
All our friends are in New York
Why do we keep shrieking,
When we mean soft things?
We should be whispering all the time...

And then, Lords of Acid's "Pussy" came on... My computer is manic.

What a weird day. My foot hurts. It just occurred to me that I haven't eaten today. Blehhh.

I... must... get lobotomy ^_^

7:10 edit

*listening to Hybrid, "Finished Symphony"*

I bring you pointless pictures to amuse you.

ratties tearing up mama's shoulders.

Twirling my invisible mustache.

These are temporary! I'll delete them eventually. Get 'em while they're hot.

Hyper Mediocrity

2003-10-16 - 1:33 p.m.

*listening to Fischerspooner, #1*

Hurrah for these useless things:

If I were a [feminine] gay man... by 38886
Your name
Your Gay Man NamePhillipe
Your Gay Man OccupationPoledancer at Local Gay Club
Your Stereotypical Gay Man TraitSpelling boy with an i
Your Gay Man Music of ChoiceNine Inch Nails
Your Gay Man Cause of DeathAngry Ex-Lover
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Damn right, Nine Inch Nails.

Create A My Little Pony Persona by hollyann
Your Name
Your First Pony NameSea
Your Second Pony NameCrystal
Your Pony SpeciesFlutter Pony
Your Body Colour Yellow
Your Hair Colour Red
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

That's all good... 'cept for the yellow part.

Vampire Chronicles by hannurdock
LJ Name
Which vampire will make you?Armand
Which vampire will break you?Merrick Mayfair
Which vampire will love you?Mekare
Which vampire will hate you?Mekare
Which vampire will be your immortal mate?Khayman
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

So... the queen of the damned and I have a love/hate relationship... interesting. Oh, and fuck Merrick.

Become a God or Goddess. by zerogirl
God/Goddess ofChildren
Animal Companion:Dragon
Weak againstCold
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

My element is Ice, yet I'm weak against cold.... That's gotta suck. And I hate children ^_^

Your Final Fantasy Husband by explodingkirbys
Favourite colour
Number of Children2
Why you will divorceyou hate his mother.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Auron's kinda sexy for a dead guy.

Rarrr... Blurf.

I've been in a mediocre mood for about a week now. I'm not exactly sure why. TIME FOR MORE REPRESSION THERAPY!

sofa king

2003-10-14 - 4:09 p.m.

Uh... working on new layout. This might be temporarily. I don't know. >=P


Low Brain Activity.

2003-10-14 - 2:04 p.m.

You are Form 6, Elfin: The Wyld. "And The Elfin saw the evil and
misjudgement in the world and shot her arrow at
the sky. Bolts of lightning struck the earth
and gave the world balance and
Some examples of the Elfin Form are Demeter (Greek)
and Khepry (Egyptian). The Elfin is associated with the concept of growth
and balance, the number 6, and the element of
water. Her sign is the half moon. As a member of Form 6, you are a very balanced
individual. You can easily adapt to most
situations and you may be a good social
chameleon. You aren't afraid of changes in
your life, but sometimes you evolve too
rapidly, leaving others to think that you are
leaving them behind. Elfin are the best
friends to have because they are open minded.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

There's a monsoon outside @_@! And my feet hurt. A lot. >_< And I bought too many things today.... murr. I'll just have to continue putting money in my accounts after the trip. YAY TRIP!

Zzzzz...body heat... Zzzz

2003-10-13 - 11:15 p.m.

"Don't abuse me, but seduce me to death"

Okay... right, pillow and bed... sleep. Back to sleep...

Here comes the rain again

2003-10-13 - 1:56 a.m.

currently: I don't really know

*listening to Coldplay, "Clocks"*

Earlier in the evening, several of my coworkers and I went over to Larry's house and gave him some going away presents. Larry, you see, was my best friend at work. But he can no longer work, say his doctors. He has issues with his feet, as most diabetics do. One imparticular had been bothering him for almost 2 years now. And now the other one has problems. Top it all off with having had a heart attack two years ago... and, well, I sure as hell wouldn't be working either.

It's going to be very hard for him to adjust to not working, and we're going to miss him terribly there. Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do. When he was out due to the heart attack, I was at my most miserable at my job. He was the one person that kept me from hating it. I could always talk to him if I were upset and vice versa. We enjoyed each other's company.

T_T Work is going to suck now more than it ever has before. But if it means Larry getting better and his feet actually healing... then that sets me at ease. He pushed himself too hard.


On that happy note, I think I'll take a nap before working in four hours.

Maybe I'll finish reading a book before. (No, seriously, I do read!) Unfortunately, it's a stupid book... but I feel compelled to finish it. Then, I can stick it back on the shelf and pick something better! Maybe I'll go get a copy of The Hobbit.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data