Sleeping with Ghosts

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alcohol... oooh, alcohol

2002-08-03 - 11:19 p.m.

currently: bugs

So, before I got to work, I notice a little spider bite on my collar. Ouch. I cover it with a band-aid to prevent myself from scratching it. Then, I get to work and notice 2 more fucking spider bites on my neck. (spider bites are unmistakable--and they're the only insects that ever bite me.) The irony in this, if you can call it that, is that I rescued a spider from the bathtub before taking a shower last night. WELL FUCK YOU LITTLE SPIDERS FROM HELL! YOU DIE NOW!

Oww... itchy itchy... must scratch nooooooo.

Work blew bunnies. But I'm home now, and I'm off tomorrow. Joy.

Hmm... no one is on, so I think I'll go watch Boondock Saints and vegetate. Vegitate. Eh... brain's not working well enough to spell correctly.


12:53 p.m.

currently: too tired to put up an icon

*not listening to anything*

At the spur of the moment, I went out to a bar with a few people from work and ex-coworker Jack and his GF. Stayed out 'til 2am or so, though the bar had closed at 1. Bitching about work, the people there, etc...

I have to work 2 to close today. And with only one other closer. I fucking hate that place. Saturday night and two people closing. Genius.

Must go eat something before going to Hell.

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