Sleeping with Ghosts

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pro-ana's date with Fyx

2002-01-22 - 3:20 p.m.

currently: singing

*listening to NIN's All That Could Have Been*

MMm... SIN...

mrrr. I can't really think of anything to write. *hypnotized by the mechanical noise* yummy

The music's shaking my mouse all over the place. Kinda amusing, since my pointer is Mokona from Rayearth.
I bought Grand Theft Auto 3 today. I heard it might be pulled from the market.... hmm... gratuitous violence. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, if I really wanna be grossed out, I'll turn on the news.

I have web design class at 5. I might pop back in here if it gets really boring. Or I might write witty haikus and send them to everyone I know. I should probably leave early, so I can finally buy my books. *procrastinator extraordinaire* I still have to go to that blasted nude exhibit for my pretentious art class. All art classes are pretentious. It must be written in stone somewhere that they must be. Hey, everyone, let's read far too much into the painting of fruit! yes! it must represent the painter's inner loathing and longing for his mother!


Or maybe, it's just a painting of fruit.
mmm fruit.

Just when I thought the world couldn't get any stupider, I come across pro-ana.
Simply put, people glorifying anorexia. Yeah, this sounds like a splendid idea. Long, drawn-out suicide. Let's spread the joy in this moronic idea of self-control! I don't have enough faith in myself or will to change myself in a positive way, so instead I'll maintain self control by fasting and exercising 'til I pass out. It'll make me a better person if I look like a walking corpse! People will like me and say, "wow! what amazing self-control she has!" when I know deep down, they're all saying, "jesus fuck, look at that... I think I'm going to be sick."
let's see... starve and hurt myself for months/years.... or jump into oncoming traffic? decisions decisions.
If you don't like what you see in the mirror, stop looking, you image obsessed dumb fux.

Okay, I'm ranting. But this whole Pro-Ana thing is making me violently ill. I want to strangle all the people behind it with their own intestines. Encouraging people to hurt themselves? Other than the small satisfaction of knowing that there are people out there doing it and glorifying it because you told them to, what could you possibly gain from this? Besides more breathing space, once your victims drop like flies....?
I am convinced that is how half the pro-ana site owners think. They don't really care about anorexia either way, but they want to see how many stupid people are out there actually reading it with genuine interest. Sad sad, fuct up world we live in. Makes me want to jump on a cloud and piss on humanity. If you're a pro-ana reading this entry, sorry, I don't care if you think your meager attempt at self-control or beautification is your business. When you seek others for approval of a behavior you know is wrong, you lose your self-respect. It's not my place to tell you what is right and wrong. That's an individual's choice. And if you're encouraging something this outrageously ridiculous, you're imposing your beliefs on others. And that makes you an asshole. So, rather than starve yourself and call it control, call it what it really is, "suicide." End it all and save us your pathetic appearance.
_--end of rant--_

Have a nice day.

on another note:

Which Gackt are you most like?
quiz by mcvarmazi

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data