Sleeping with Ghosts

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silent lucidity

2003-04-04 - 12:02 a.m.

dream #1... hard to explain. There's a killer chasing me. He gets into boiling hot water with some sort of cooling suit. We may both have superpowers are not be human. I'm not sure.

dream #2... I don't remember much of this dream and it could be part of another dream. A guy who shall remain nameless and I had done something (it wasn't in the dream but was alluded to in conversation), and we're looking at a game boy.

dream #3... I get a phone call from one of Rask's brothers or his dad telling me that he is in Nevada. I think it has something to do with the military. I remember keeping this person on the phone just to hear a voice similar to his.

Yeah, so I just woke up. I think I went to bed around 6pm. I woke up every once in a while and had Red Dragon on the brain. I think that's what drove me into waking up just a few minutes ago with a headache. But I got some water, and all is well. Morg' kept lying beside me and burning me up. I felt sort of feverish there for a while.

I think I've pinpointed what I didn't like about the Red Dragon movie, though.


The movie never reveals why exactly the "Tooth Fairy" kills people or how he chooses his victims. Yes, he's a nutjob and he picks the people from tapes he gets at work. But why? Why's he kill entire families, focusing on the mother? It's never really fully expained, aside from the few references to his troubled childhood. Several moments with the character show that he's nuts and why he's nuts but not why he violently slaughters and gives special attention to certain victims. It leaves the viewer to speculate. I can't say the same for everyone, but if I'm made to speculate, I want to see if what I thought were true by the end. You don't get that with Red Dragon. But you are fed heaping spoonfuls of suspense. And intellectual power struggles. This movie could have been awesome. None of the many headliners tried to steal the show from the others. Still, it was lacking development in crucial areas. Oh well. It was still good.

I'll get around to reading some Thomas Harris, eventually. Maybe that will satisfy me.

because i'm slap happy

2003-04-03 - 5:09 p.m.

Okay, I'm making a quiz. I don't really have anything planned out. I'm winging it. Forgive me. -_-

1. What's your favorite crayon color?
Sea Green

2. When you die, what would you like to happen to your corpse?
A Viking funeral would be cool, but I'll settle for cremation and a coffee can for my ashes.

3. What's a stupid word or phrase that you constantly catch yourself saying and hate yourself for it?

4. When's the last time you had a bubble bath?
I don't remember exactly, but I know it was last year.

5. Out of your entire music collection, which album is currently your favorite?
VNV Nation, Futureperfect.

6. If you had to eat one of your friends to survive, which body part would you start with and why?
Probably a calf or a thigh, because the meat isn't so stringy.

7. Favorite time of day?

8. You've been cast as an extra in a movie. Name your title as listed in the credits.
Mooing Girl

9. The Matrix has you. What's your real name? (Neo, Trinity, etc)
Fyx, of course.

10. People are staring at your face as if a giant boogie is hanging from your nose. Are you more likely to ask if something is on your face or frantically rub at your nose or both?
Probably both.

11. Do you have music on right now? If so, what?
Yes, Apop

12. Have you ever fantisized about yourself while masturbating?
God, no.

13. Which do you prefer, donating to charity or helping in other ways such as physical labor?
I'd rather help out. That way, I know where the money is going.

14. Are you a know-it-all or know-a-little?
Depends on the subject, but I'm usually a know-it-all

15. Honestly, how often do you brush your teeth?
Twice a day.

16. What's the last movie you watched all the way through?
Red Dragon.

17. Old Faithful is going to blow tomorrow (it's a volcano, you know?) and take out all of North America. Considering you live there, what would you do?
Sleep through it, most likely

18. If you knew you were going to die in six months, would you tell anyone?
Well, if I didn't they'd wonder why I quit my job and were spending all my money.

19. How close have you personally come to death?
I was taken to the ER when I was a kid because I was having an allergic reaction to something which caused my entire body to swell up and my throat to close. They gave me a stuffed panda, and I'm all better now.

20. Favorite song lyric?
"You might fall in love with someone else today, but I will always love you, anyway." ~Apop (it's on right now, actually)

21. How do you feel about tips? Do you tip by percentages or actual efforts?
Effort. Fuck lazy people.

22. Worst thing you've ever had to read for a class?
A Separate Peace. Just shoot me now before making me read that again.

23. Best thing you've ever had to read for a class?
It's a tie between Angela's Ashes and The Taming of the Shrew.

24. Imagine that you're stuck in an elevator. The music feed is stuck on repeat, and this single song is going to drive you insane. Name the song.
"Merry Christmas, Baby" sung by Christina Aguilera

25. Favorite single swear word?
Cock or fuck. Tough call.

26. A stranger on the street is insisting that they know you. Do you pretend you know them or walk away?
It happens to me all the time, so I have mastered the polite smile and walk away method.

27. What would your heaven or paradise look like?
A Brian Froud painting.

28. It's your first time at a Karaoke bar. Whether you want to or not, what song do you choose to sing? (or what was the first song you ever sang at a Karaoke bar?)
Prince's "Kiss," and I'm never gonna live that down.

29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
^_~; ...anime.

30. Complete this: "Tomorrow I will wake up at _____. In the evening, I will ______. I wish____________"
Tomorrow I will wake up at some unimaginable hour. In the evening, I will probably be on the computer or playing a game. I wish I weren't such a bum.

look for what seems out of place

2003-04-02 - 9:59 p.m.

Since Wolfy made this quiz, I'm going to take it >=D

1. Which sucks worse? Britney Spears or Backdoor Boys?
Britney Spears because she's still around. The Boys have faded away.

2. Which sucks worse? soccer moms driving SUV's and talking on cellphones or guys with tiny dicks driving sports cars and talking on cell phones?
Soccer moms!

3. What is the worst movie ever made?
Embrace of the Vampire.

4. would you pursue a girl/guy with a mustache?
yes, and when I catch them, I'll make them shave.

5. Should Cher just throw in the wonderbra and retire?
NO. Try to imagine a world without Cher. Do it!

6. what is the dumbest show on tv?
American Idol and every other "reality show."

7. Why is it so fucking hot in here?
Because your AC is shit.

8. What is the single most annoying thing you encounter everyday?

9. Do you feel that your congressman cares?
Yeah, right.

10. BGM?
New Order, "Confusion"

11. Would you or have you dissed a not-so-good friend to freak his/her boyfriend/girlfriend?

12. What's the most you've ever smoked in a twenty four hour period? A pack and a half, I think.

13. drank in the same period?


14. group to marginalize?

15. thing to hate?

16. person to hate?
whoever's in charge

17. Subject in school?

18. Have you ever swam in a public fountain while under the influence?
Not yet

19. Have you ever been cut off at a bar?

20. What is a foreign country you want to visit?

21. What is a foreign country you do not want to visit?

22. Briefly discuss your view concerning the point of life.
To destroy and create as much as possible.

23. Have you ever passed out in a tree?

24. If you had to choose only one of these to affect you in your old age, which would it be: bad memory, hearing loss, constant and terrible gas, paranoia?
the gas

25. Do you hate people who tell you "that will kill you" when they find out you smoke?

26. What's the shittiest-tasting food you've ever had?

27. Do you lean left or right?
Mostly left, I think

28. Do you have a favorite sport?
water sports...?

29. You're trapped on a desert island with only one addiction accessible. What would it be?

30. If you could kill one famous person from the past, who would it be?
St. Patrick.

31. Name one organization or group that screams "FAKE" to you.

32. Name one person who screams "FAKE" to you.
Tough call. Britney Spears.

33. Name one person you hate seeing on tv.
Jerry Falwell

34. What is your least favorite of God's creatures?

35. How many languages did you study in school?

36. Is Spanish one of them and if so, how does it feel to be speaking what will someday be America's most-spoken language?

37. What do you think about those little cars lowered to the ground with the tiny wheels, aka "lowriders?"
I wonder if the drivers realize how stupid they look.

38. Why do so many adolescent males wear sun-visors indoors?
Because they're vain little pricks who are having bad hair days.

39. What "group" did you belong to in high school?
The "I don't belong to a group" group

40. If O.J. Simpson were such an example for the black community, then why did he live in a million dollar house in Brentwood and play golf at exclusive country clubs?
Because he wasn't an example to start with.

41. If you could smash one thing right now, what would it be?
My bosses brains... if he has any.

42. Would you mind your front yard being littered with dog shits that weren't yours?
Only if it's a big dog.

43. Have you ever seen anyone die right before your eyes?
No, but I've seen a guy have a heart attack.

44. Who is the scariest person you've ever met?
A man in Frankfort who insisted that he was Jesus (we called him Preacher Man, I think). He would randomly call people prostitutes.

45. Have you ever had a condom snap on you (if applicable)?

46. Are you the oppressor or the oppressed?

47. Have you ever found Jesus?
yes, he's in Frankfort.

48. Name a decade you wish we could all live over again.
The 80's. They gave rise to some terrible and some good music.

49. What sort of body art/piercings do you have?
A few tattoos.

50. Has this quiz filled you with despair, doom, and hatred, or is being a fuck-up just a part of life?
People that appear not to be fuck-ups are good actors.

And now I think I'll make my own little quiz.... be back shortly. Or tomorrow. One of the two.

superfly slick dick

2003-04-01 - 8:43 p.m.

1. Are you an innie or an outie?

2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms?
Yes, stove pipes.

3. Have you ever written a song?
They were so crappy that I wouldn't actually call them songs.

4. Can you make change for a dollar right now?
No. I just started keeping my change in a piggy bank, and I'm not touching it!

5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex's public toilet?
Yes... and I am never returning.

6. Have you ever smelled your own feet?
Yes. They don't have any scent. How boring.

7. Do you like catsup on or beside your fries?
AGHHH! get that SHIT away from me!

8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
No. Pity, that.

9. Have you ever been a boy/girl scout?
I was a Brownie for a couple years. I remember it sucking before I quit.

10. Have you ever broken a mirror?
Several. Even broke one on Friday 13th for kicks.

11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole?

12. What is your biggest pet peeve?

13. Do you slurp your drink after it's gone?
Yes. Ice is usually my favorite part.

14. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk?
Does hot cocoa count? 15. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper?
Eww... hamburgers are gross.

16. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
No *puts that on "to do" list*

17. When you are at the grocery store, do you ask for paper or plastic?
No preference. They're all going to be re-used as trash bags.

18. True or False: You would rather eat steak than pizza.
False. I love pizza.

19. Did you have a baby blanket?
No, my parents wrapped me in alumin'um foil. Of course I had a fucking baby blanket.

20. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair?
Tried? No, I have actually succeeded in cutting my hair.

21. Have you ever sleepwalked?
I used to all the time. I used to actually have "night terrors" in which I would walk around, drink, hide, etc.

22. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds?

23. Can you flip your eye-lids up?
Why would I want to?

24. Are you double jointed?
No, but my shoulders slip out of place all the time.

25. If you could be any age, what age would you be?
No preference.

26. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair?
Yes. Peanut butter gets it out.

27. Have you ever thrown up after a roller coaster ride?
No, but I threw up after "the monster," a carnival ride at Kings Island. Too much spinning.

28. What is your dream car?
The Batmobile from the first Michael Keaton one.

29. What is your favorite cartoon of all time?
Oh, this is too difficult to answer! How about... Tiny Toons?

30. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child?
Yes, that would be fun. I love sharks.

32. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit?
Not to my knowledge.

33. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first?
Well, if my windows were rolled up, then I'd be screwed because they're automatic... So, I would use a sharp object to stab the middle of the driver's side window (there's actually a tool made just for this purpose), and swim away.

34. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

35. Can you pick something up with your toes?

36. How many remote controls do you have in your house?
In my possession, I have... 5, I think.

37. Have you ever fallen asleep in school?
Yes, but it didn't happen often.

38. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year?

39. How many foreign countries have you visited?
two: England and Ireland.

40. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal?
Big, gaudy medals aren't my style.

41. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy?
If I could find happiness in a cardboard box, I'd live there. 42. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float?
I'd probably try to get the fuck out. But that's just me. If it were a big enough pool of quicksand, then my dumb ass deserves to die for not seeing it before I got in it.

44. Do you ask for directions when you are lost?

45. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean?
yes. A couple years later, I found that they had hatched. Three beans=three little moths. Unfortunately, they all starved to death in their little plastic case. =(

46. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland?
Alice in Wonderland.

47. Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points?
Crayons. Broken points don't mean shit.

48. Do you prefer light or dark bread?
All bread is good.

49. Do you prefer scrambled or fried eggs?
Scrambled. Mmmm.

50. Have you ever been in a car that ran out of gas?

51. Do you talk in your sleep?
Yes. I've woken myself up before due to that.

52. Would you rather shovel snow or mow the lawn?
Shovel snow. I'm too afraid I'll run over a snake with the lawn mower. My dad did that once... and the poor thing was still alive. I made him kill it. Then I buried it in the yard.

53. Would you rather be bitten by a poisonous snake or constricted by a python?
Which one is quicker? Poison usually makes you suffer for a while.

54. Have you ever played in the rain?
I still do

55. Which of these do you think is more dangerous: an angry bear or a hungry white shark?
An angry bear. Bears are fucking scary. I know enough about sharks that I'm not afraid of them. Piss off a bear, and it's probably going to kill you. Encounter a hungry shark, and it's probably just going to bite you--if you're stupid.

56. Would you climb a very high tree to save a kitten?
Yes. But only if it seemed incapable of getting down on its own.

57. Can you tell the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

58. Do you drink pepsi or coke?
Pepsi is yucky. Coke isn't much better, tho.

59. What's your favorite number?
It changes. Sometimes it's 5, and sometimes it's 9.

60. If you were a car, would you be an SUV or a sports car?
A sports car. An old one. Scrap metal, basically.

61. Have you ever accidentally taken something from a hotel?
Never accidentally

62. Would you blow your nose at the dinner table?
Better than sucking snot back into your head.

63. Have you ever slipped in the bathtub?
No, but I slipped on the bathroom floor and busted my chin open on the bathtub.

64. Do you use regular or deodorant soap?
Regular soap, I guess. What's the point of deodorant soap if you're going to wash it off, too?

65. Have you ever locked yourself out of the house?
Yes, and I now have enough knowledge to be quite the burglar.

66. Would you rather make your living as a singing cowboy or as one of the Simpsons voices?
Simpson's voice.

67. If you could invite any movie star to your home for dinner, who would it be?
I wouldn't.

68. Have you ever gotten a truck driver to honk his horn?
yes, when I was little.

69. Which would you rather live with: a huge nose or crossed eyes?
Crossed eyes O_o

70. Would you hang out with someone your best friend didn't like?
No, I'd probably hang out with my best friend.

71. Would you hang out with someone your best friend liked, but you didn't like?
I guess. I've done it plenty of times before.72. Have you ever returned a gift?
Not personally, no.

73. Would you give someone else a gift that had been given to you?
No >=(

74. If you could attend an Olympic Event, what would it be?

75. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
That's between me and my closet.

76. If your grandmother gave you a gift that you already have, would you tell her?

77. Do you sing in the car?
yes, frequently. And I'll sing anything that happens to be on the radio, even if it's a song I hate. There's an entire section of my brain dedicated to memorizing lyrics to songs--good and bad.

78. Would you rather jump into a dumpster or into a vat of honey?
Honey. Someone would surely help me somehow clean the honey off, but if I were covered in dumpster goo... I think I'd be on my own.

79. What is your favorite breed of dog?
Black labs are cute. I like German Shepards, too.

80. Would you donate money to feed starving animals in the winter?
I'd rather feed them myself.

81. If you were a bicycle, would you be a stingray or a mountain bike?
Mountain bike.

82. What is your least favorite fruit?
Tomatoes. blech!

83. What kind of fruit have you never had?
Hmm... I'm sure there are some out there, but I don't know their names.

84. If you won a $5,000 shopping spree to any store, which store would you pick?

85. What brand sports apparel do you wear the most?
I don't care for brand names or sports apparel.

86. Are/were you a good student?
I can be.

87. Among your friends, who could you arm wrestle and beat?
Toni. And she would like it.

88. If you had to choose, what branch of the military would you be in?
Army or National Guard.

89. Would you ever parachute out of a plane?
Yes, I want to do that someday.

90. What do you think is your best feature?
Uh... My eyes?

91. If you were to win a grammy, what kind of music would it be for?

92. What is your favorite season?

93. How many members do you have in your immediate family?
3 and a half, not including me. The half is my brother who is currently in the nuthouse ^_^

94. Which of the five senses is most important to you?
Hearing. I'd die without music.

95. Would you be a more successful painter or singer?

97. How many years will/did you end up going to college?
probably 7 or more.

98. Have you ever had surgery?

99. Would you rather be a professional figure skater or professional football player?
Well, since this a stupid question, I'll give a stupid answer: I'd be a ballerina =^.^=

100. What do you like to collect?
Anime, manga, comics, toys, and artsy shit.

Here we... go

2003-04-01 - 8:08 p.m.

well shit... I lost the entry I was writing. GRAWLLLLLLL. HULK SMASH.


*listening to Venga Boys*

What? Bitch, don't make me whip out Brooklyn Bounce.

I visited a friend at her work place yesterday, and she dragged me into a "seminar" there. Turns out, it's one horrific pyramid scheme. I tried to explain this to her, but she's three-weeks brainwashed. Oh well. Needless to say, I quickly fled before the stupidity penetrated my brain.

I had to babysit a little yesterday. My nieces take great pleasure in dogpiling on me. The older one, 4, took a flying-off-the-couch leap and kneed me right in the stomach.

Me: unf... ow... I'll be in the corner for a minute if you need me. *wince* Can't breathe.
Her: O_O

2 year old: SAMAMFA!!!!!! *pounce*

Me: UNF! If you all weren't so cute.....

Sometimes, I wonder what kind of mother I would make. Sometimes, I try to picture myself with kids. And then a swiftly remember the many reasons I shouldn't have kids and don't want kids. Damn the maternal instinct! Damn the urge to procreate. Stupid existence. I shun you! SHOO!

I have three years until my fertility (if I have any now, that is) starts to decline. As if celibacy isn't enough, I'm pretty sure my female organs are fuct up. It's like extra insurance. Those don't block the thought of adoption, though. But, never fear! I'm too unfit to adopt. ^_^

My sister was telling me about a three year old boy that was lured out of a park by a ten year old boy. The older boy brutally assaulted, raped, and killed the toddler. This was somewhere in New England. I hate the world. It makes me sick.

That's just one reason I do not watch the news. It's all depressing. Once in a while, I'll watch prime time news magazines... but even those are terribly sad at times. Especially as of late. Everything is revolving around the war.

Alright... I can't think of anything else to write. Not even a good April Fool's joke. So, tata for now.

I'll be back in a few with a survey I stole from another diary.

owner of a lonely heart

2003-03-31 - 12:40 p.m.

Come Around

I'm dressed all in blue and I'm remembering you
And the dress you wore when you broke my heart
I'm depressed upstairs and I'm remembering where
And when and how and why'd you have to go so far

Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
I'm gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Unless you come around so come around

I'm dressed all in white and I remember the night
You came on to me and opened up my heart
I was hollow then till you filled me in now I'm empty again
I should have never let it start

Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
I'm gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Unless you come around so come around

No one else can fix me although sometimes my heart tricks me
Into thinking someone else will do
But you're the only one you are the only one

Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Am I gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
I'm gonna be lonely for the rest of my life
Unless you come around so come around

So come around so come around

I'm dressed all in blue and I'm remembering you
And the dress you wore when you broke my heart

Rhett Miller

He sang this song when he opened for Tori Amos a couple weeks ago. It was beautiful. And sad. And I love it.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data