Sleeping with Ghosts

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Uhuh huh. I said cock.

2003-05-01 - 5:31 p.m.

currently: askrgaldrh

I thought I'd get in one last shot before my brain combusts. I took my medicine. I drank lots of water, like the people told me. So, I've been sitting here or on the couch, waiting for a miracle. And thinking, "Why couldn't I be dirt? Dirt is good. It blows away, and it comes back. Blows away. Comes back." etc. etc. I had these thoughts while watching "I love the 80's" on VH1. I really wanted to laugh and reminisce, but even a slight giggle makes me convulse... so, instead, I smirked for 4 hours at the TV. Then I got up and said, "Self, why are we shivering? It's 400 billion degrees outside."

And here I am, folks. Reporting live from oncoming fever land!


This has not been my fucking year. Okay, this is not my century. Fuck you, 21st century.

It seems sleeping all the time and hiding in my room has made me put on weight (yeah, go figure! Whodathunkit?). I'm trying to care. Really. I'm trying to think about the possible future that I might want or some happy shit like that. Try to think of those catch motivational phrases that make you want to smash there person who said them in the face. You only live once! No Fear! What have you got to lose? Just do it! Eat shit and DIE! Wait... that doesn't go in there. And suddenly, I'm channeling George Carlin. I love him like the comfortably broken side of the couch.

I took asprin. It's supposed to reduce fever. And I've got the uber-sexy washcloth-on-the-head-look going for me. Now if I could stop these random jerks/twitches/shivers....

You dropped the bomb on me, baby

I wonder how many brain cells I'll lose during this fever. I felt like my memory was slowly turning to shit, anyway. This'll just rip away 1995 and 96, maybe. It'd be great if I could erase more recent years. Well, parts, anyway. 1999-2000 wasn't that great. Take that, you whoring fever!


This is great, isn't it? Just me and my disease, talking it up.

Me: So, when are you going to let me breathe n' stuff?

It: NEVAH!!!!!!

Me: FINE! Be that way! Just remember, I know where you live and I've got knives! @_@

Alright, I'll go. Shutup, you cock.

pop some pills

2003-05-01 - 11:32 a.m.

currently: fuck you, world.

*listening to VNV Nation, Futureperfect*

Alright, so I lasted about 2 hours at work before I caved and went to the Urgent Treatment Center. 2 hours later, I'm finally home. (fuck doctors and their waiting games. fuck them right in the ass) I got one prescription and one sample thingy I'm supposed to take for 7 days. Diagnosis? Bronchitis like a mofo.

Doctor: Okay, take a few deep breaths.

Me: *cough cough hack hack hack hack* Ow.

Doctor: O_O *steps back* Nevermind....

I've got a bloody headache from the coughing. But I have medication! HURRAY! And if they don't work, I will jab an icepick in my eye to relieve the pressure.

I'm fiending for nicotine -_- Since I can barely inhale air, tobacco smoke sends me right into a seizure of coughs. GODDAMN THE MAN!

If the coughing weren't so painful on my head, this wouldn't be so terrible. Get this: my blood pressure is all whacked out. It was 90something over 60something. And my pulse was 103. My blood pressure is usually a little above average because I smoke. My pulse is always fucked up. (heart disease, here I come)

/end whining

I'm gonna fuck everyone in the world
I'm gonna do something that matters

aww... and I thought it'd be trees and vultures for me

2003-05-01 - 6:44 a.m.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test


2003-05-01 - 4:37 a.m.

lungs not functioning... must breathe... need oxygen... blood vessels around brain dying... must breathe. BUT I CAN'T! Since about 6pm last night, I've been unable to hack up anything. This makes coughing extremely painful and actually hurts my fucking face. My mom came over around 8pm and whined that I should go to a doctor. =( DOCTORS ARE BAD. But I seriously can't breathe ;_; It's like I'm having a nonstop asthma attack. I've got a constant headache from all the pressure of coughing combined with my congested sinuses. Bronchitis is so much FUN. (god, kill me! Please, just kill me now). There's nothing more fun than waking up and panicking because you can't breathe.

I'm going to go back to sleep since I have to work at 7am. If I still feel like a buffalo is sitting on my chest, I'll probably go to the urgent treatment center as soon as I can. $_$ I think I'm also bordering on feverish. FUCK.

My mom said she had to go to the UTC a few weeks ago because she had what I have. =( This is just GRAND!

To top it all off, I really want some chocolate (sadly, no anti-christ this month), but I can't taste anything. Cruel world.

Walking mucous

2003-04-29 - 3:32 p.m.

After getting off the phone with Toni, my body thought it would be a good idea to go into a sneezing fit. I've been sick since I woke up yesterday. It came pretty much out of no where but hit me like a ton of bricks. Anyway, I was sneezing for about ten fucking minutes. I thought my heart was going to quit, my eyeballs were going to fly out or start bleeding, or my head were going to start spinning.

All I can write about that: OW.

I'm one giant, walking germ right now. If you see me, I advise that you run in the other direction or spray yourself down with a disinfectant and arm yourself with a blow torch just in case.

I'm congested from my lungs up to my eyeballs. And most of that congestion has been exploding out of my head at random intervals. Throat is sore. Feels like I swallowed an angry scorpion. =( I've been prone to bronchial infections since I was a kid. My mom gets them to, so maybe I got her weak-ass lung genes. Smoking probably doesn't help on my part =D Eh, I'm slowing down smoking wise. I only smoke a lot when I'm under stress, depressed, or drinking. I'm usually all three at once =D Well, I don't drink much. Alcohol is a downer, and gods know I don't need to be further down.

AGhhhhhhhhh, it's in my ears! ;_; I hate being sick. GRAWL. I feel like I tore something in my head from sneezing so much. My poor cappilaries (I have no idea how to spell that).

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data