Sleeping with Ghosts

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ima watashi no saiai wa doko....

2002-08-31 - 11:45 p.m.

currently: Hmm hmm hmm

*listening to Apop, Harmonizer (no, it's not worn out yet =P)*

The drive back took exactly 4 hours. Before I was even out of Nashville, I had unbuttoned my shirt to just below my bra because it was fucking hot. o_O And this shirt doesn't exactly breathe (I should have taken this into consideration...). I'm sure the truckers on the highway got an eyeful. Eh, whatever. Now, the funny thing is: I stopped in some bumfuck town called Mumfordville (sorry if you live there) to get gas and forgot about my shirt being unbuttoned. I paid at the pump, but some white-trash-hoochy-mama gave me a strange look. She was easily pushing 60. I thought perhaps she was looking at my shirt because of the half naked anime dude on it, but as I was driving away, I realized she was probably noticing my bra. Uh... oops. What the fuck do I care, though? Plentiful cleavage in black bra for everyone!

Anyway, back on the road....
It was pitch black and I was seventy miles from Lexington when Pandora (that's my car) hit 100,000 miles. I kissed her (I call her her because she's a queen) steering wheel and thanked her for being a good car.

Total miles of the trip: 467.

When I got home, my dad asked if Versailles Rd. had been closed. It wasn't... but apparently an hour after I left yesterday, I plane crashed right on the interstate. It was a little 4-seater. Both pilots were killed. @_@ My dad said that a good portion of roads were closed for at least 24 hours.


But I'm home, and I'm safe. If anyone cares.

The song that was playing when Pandora hit 100k was a little mix Ms. Harry of Blondie did with the remaining members of Talking Heads after David Byrne left. I think it was called "No Talking, Just Head." Interestingly enough (maybe just to me), Blondie and the Talking Heads started out at CBGB's together. Yes, that was before my time. I learned it by watching VH1.

My fucking bitch cat had been pissing on the carpet right inside my bedroom door while I was gone. GRRRRRR. WHAT THE FUCK, YOU LITTLE SHITMONKEY?! She's been pouting and trying to sneak into my room since I yelled at her and cleaned the carpet. She's a territorial little fuck, too, so she was smelling everything I had taken with me to Nashville. She kept sniffing my comforter and glaring at me while I was talking to my dad. The glare said, "Who the fuck is this? Where the fuck have you been and why do you not smell like my mommy?" Well, the comforter and pillows do have a distinct "Justin's apartment" smell now. Isn't it odd and yet expected that we each have our own scent? What are those things called again? Phermones?

Weeee! Look at me babble!

I'll shut up now. Besides, I've been on my ass for 4 hours, so I need to lie down.

Creme Soda and pastrami and salted vinegar chips

2002-08-31 - 11:46 a.m.

currently: trying to type on the laptop again. o.O

Justin (wolf, darcaesar...etc) had to go to work this morning, so I slept in for a couple more hours. He'll be there til 1pm. I slept on the futon, which was surprisingly comfortable. *stretch* Just got out of the shower and fixed myself a sandwich. Speaking of food, I did go grocery shopping with him yesterday. He spent a pretty good amount of money, and yet... his 'fridge still looks like a bachelor's 'fridge. I can't figure it out... won't even try.

Mm strawberry cheesecake jelly belly.

Justin's place is actually nicer than he makes it out to be. It's plenty of room for one person, I think. Aside from some plumbing issues (and other interesting bathroom issues), it's suitable.

I keep accidently hitting the scroll pad >_<

His Dell computer is really annoyingly FUBAR. I think he needs a ME boot floppy and his ME CD to fix it. But he has neither the floppy nor the CD. Ew.

We basically talked all night and reminisced about ye olde days. Quite amusing. And I learned that he's just like me in that he likes to keep chatting even when he's settled into bed. I've always done that when I have company. I don't know why. Perhaps some earlier thoughts that I wanted to get out suddenly rise back to the surface when I'm just about to go to sleep.

He should be home in an hour. I'm contemplating playing the old Nintendo by his bed. Hee. Now that I think about it, I should have brought him some games from FuncoLand, but I'm not sure what he has and doesn't have.

I'm driving back to Lexington tonight. Oh bloody joy. I'm off tomorrow, but I think I work Monday. I'll have to call and check my schedule when I get home. Er... they'll be closed when I get home. So, I'll call tomorrow.

Still, I cannot believe another semester has begun. Crazy.

It's strange taking a shower in someone else's home, isn't it? Or is it just strange to me?

I guess I'll be home the next time I write an entry. And hopefully I'll have some e-mail from my estranged Fox. I won't cross my fingers. He's busy and broke his computer. =/


Arrested Development--Tennessee

2002-08-30 - 10:13 p.m.

currently: trying to type on a laptop.

I'm reporting live from Nashville, TN. Hmmm. Yep.

The drive wasn't so bad. On my way back, my car will roll over 100,000 miles. O_O

Well, I'll write more later, I'm sure.

Much love for my homies,

You have a penis, you must be my future husband

2002-08-29 - 7:43 p.m.

currently: Dwee doo dwee da

*listening to "Darkest Millineum"--wow, I am a goth nerd--sob*

I can't finish these last two cookies. Do you want them? They're peanut butter.

That class was fun. The teacher wasn't even there. o.O But he'll supposedly be back next Tues. Uhuh.

mental hopscotch ready or not i'm going away

Why is it that my parents interpret any male name I mention as "boyfriend?" It was annoying when I was a teenager, and now it's infuriating. If I have a boyfriend, I'll tell them straight up... why the fuck do they insist on crawling up my ass and trying to be cute about it? I can't even say a male friend's name without getting a raised eyebrow or coy smile from them. That's tame. Usually, I hear, "Oh, is that your BoYfRiEnD??????" My mother particularly loves to insert this after any male name I say. I used to stop whatever I was trying to say and explain that NO SO-AND-SO IS JUST MY FRIEND. But, anymore, I'll just scowl at her and continue my conversation.

Now, you might think this is just a parent's job... to be nosy and curious and eager to have grandbabies. But in my parents' case, I think they're terrified that I'll never have a boyfriend. Little do they know--I'm not looking. I even tried explaining this to my mom once, but the conversation quickly turned to her own experiences, so I just gave up. My dad, well, he doesn't express any interest one way or another, but I think he wonders about me.

Last night, I was taking a survey on webtv (my dad gets free webtv for taking these surveys, and he signed me up for it, too... for some reason), and it concerned politics and lifestyle questions. There was a question about sexual preference, and I could almost hear a sigh of relief inside my dad's head when I checked "straight." (He's one of those unfriendly conservative republican types that isn't very accepting of anything outside his range of thinking.) Strangely, he has become less emphatically hateful of gays since he's gotten to know a few through work. This pleases me in that it confirms he's not a complete hate-monger. He's a farm boy; there's not much you can do about his upbringing.

Babble babble.

get on your knees and pray

I think all the males I know should be aware that they are my boyfriends, according to my parents. Wow, I'm a player. And this player is fiending for some video gaming.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data