Sleeping with Ghosts

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who's gonna plug their ears when you scream

2003-09-26 - 2:18 p.m.

currently: I wanna see your pussy

*listening to Dead Can Dance, "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove"*

Hello, hormones, have a seat. I'll make you some tea.

Seriously, mrow... gimme lubbin!

keep time to the beat of an old slave drum

Aside from that... looks like I'm getting better. Yay! I'm coughing up interesting specimens!

It's been a long ass time since I've felt the stirrings of the ol' libido. >_< I may have to knock my head against a wall or something. Might not solve the problem, but if I'm down for the count, who cares?

Hey, look! A squirrel.

Nipple count unknown!

2003-09-24 - 2:11 p.m.

*listening to Fluke, "Zion" on repeat*

Oh... I should have written about this before. Here's today's rant:

All you donkey-raping-shit-eaters that were pissing and moaning about the sex/rave scene in Matrix:Reloaded, this one's for you!

The song is about 4 and a half minutes long. Which means that even with the drum intro and a bit of dialog, the actual scene was about five minutes.

How many of you have heard some moron whining, "OMGWTF that scene went on forever and it was so pointless arghh... my head....?" Maybe you are that moron. Well, for the sake of the rest of us that think you're a moron, please jump into a vat of hot oil. There are appropriate times to exaggerate, especially when it aids a story or what have you. But exaggerating about a five minute scene in a 2 hour+ movie borders on mentally retarded.

As for it being pointless... I blame the popcorn-munching masses for this. You know, the people that watch movies but don't really pay attention to what's going on. They're watching, but not seeing. You'd think these people would have at least been satisfied with the amount of nipple exposed just for them in this scene, but NO. Heaven forbid the writers show more humanity in the humans, it might interfere with the serious virtual reality ass-kicking in the rest of the picture.

Overall, I think the scene worked. Sex=animal and humans are animals=living. Dancing=very human. Psyching up before battle=very human. Pissing and moaning about love scene=annoying.

I'm with Toni on the wardrobe, though. If Zion's so technologically advanced (what with the engineering level, hover-ships, holographic control panels) why are their clothes so crappy? XD

covered in white cat hair

2003-09-24 - 11:32 a.m.

I feel like I need to cough up a brick sized hairball. =^.^=

Damn, that last couple of days have been boring. And I'm still not in the mood to do anything. :o

I went outdoors (gasp). It's sorta breezy and mild with a clear sky and plenty of sunshine. Autumn is here.

I pruned my herbs and put them in good light in the bay window. Basil is definitely the hardiest of my plants. At the end of spring, I harvested some seeds from my first Basil and planted a second. They're growing better than the seeds I bought in a packet... but that's because they're fresher, I know. I started a second pot of Lavendar, and I need to repot the first. Call me weird, but growing things is somewhat calming. Someday, I want my own little herb garden. >.> And I don't even really use the herbs for anything. If anyone needs fresh Basil, you know where to find me.

I've grown bored with the games I'm re-playing. I'm on the 4th disk of FF9 and have sidequests left. Legend of Mana is cute and all, but it would be more fun if I had a second player, I think. I'm tempted to start FF7 again. Or Legend of Dragoon. Mmmm old games are good. But then, I'd probably never finish those, too.

I saw figures from FFX-2. =D~ Yuna's outfit looks stupid, but it's still sorta neat. Paine looks COOL.

I am not going anywhere with this.

One of these days, I'm going to shove my boot in your ass

2003-09-22 - 11:03 p.m.

Bleh. And I mean that in the fullest sense of bleh.

*plays David Gray, "Please Forgive Me"*

Hoo... So, all day long, I hacked and muttered isanities at the balls of tissue on my desk. Not much else there to tell.

I'd just crawled into bed when my dad got home. He thumps my door open and says, "What're you doing?"

"Trying to sleep. I am sick," I say.

"Well, you shouldn't be doing that. It's not going to help you. I should know." It's a good thing the lights were off, because I was flipping him the bird and scowling.

"I've been up all fucking day. I'm fucking tired and fucking weak. GRAWLLLLL," I say. Then, he lumbers down the hallway like an ogre.

So, I got up and took a shower. And here I am. I tried to tell him that I really do feel like shit, and him being a turd is not going to help the situation... but he's oblivious. It's sorta sad, you know. I only want or expect a fraction of compassion from him, but I never get it. AND still, I recall the time I was lying in bed for 3 days, sobbing, before he took me somewhere. And that was only two years ago. Just you wait, man! You, me, and your deathbed. *palms fist*

shitty year continues

2003-09-22 - 5:50 a.m.

I just woke up. :o It's 5:30am. I'm supposed to go to work. I think I'm calling in. ._. Instead of getting better, I am getting worse. I know it's extra crappy in the morning, but that doesn't lessen the fact that I want to bury my head under a rock and suck on dirt. Mmm dirt.

Just like the last time I had this (which was less than 6 months ago, right?), I have violent sneezing fits. I was in the shower last night when one hit me, and I sneezed about every 2.5 seconds. It was like *sneeze* this only *sneeze* much much *sneeze* worse and *sneeze* I wanted to *sneeze* rip out *sneeze* my lungs.

I had a dream that Justin W and I had been out shopping or something. I had to drop some things off at my mom's, and she had all these guests over that were old school Christians and telling me I was going to burn in hell blah blah di blah. For some peculiar reason, they were somehow connected to more than one of the guys I work with.

*yay! just called in! I can stay in bed all day now and try to exorcise my mucous demons.... and take nasty cough syrup that tastes like minty dead things and take pills that make all the mucous in my body flow except the stuff I want to flow!! It's sick, use your imagination. Back to the dream...*

It was really late and I had to work the next day, so I decided to stay in this office at the back of the house that had been converted into a spare bedroom. (This would never happen: One, I am not insane... I'd rather walk home than spend the night there. Two, that room is used for storage, not a spare bedroom.)

Justin had his car and could have left but, apparently, wanted to sleep on the chair/loveseat thing in the spare bedroom. As I was trying to sleep,

several things were going on at once. I decided to get up and search for a vacant bathroom. I didn't have much luck. The Christians all suddenly had to pee at the same time, it seemed, and none of them bothered to close the doors. Savages.

I talked with my mother about catching a ride to work in the morning... Never did get to go to the bathroom. So, I went back to the spare room and begain fiddling with some CD's which were still wrapped, new. I gave Justin three of them. Then, I tried to sleep.

I kept thinking about giving him the bed, but I wasn't sure how he would take that. My dream behaviour is nigh retarded, at times. I never did fall asleep in the dream, because I still had to pee. Naturally, I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom.

Grrrrr.... my ear canals itch. I can't move my head around too quickly cuz my sinuses are heavy and swollen with sick goo and it hurts me. *urk* Just took a capful of bourbon.

Eyes hurt from coughing and sneezing... I am just a sad sad little germ. I hope that old saying that things get worse before they get better is true.

heh stats are scary sometimes

2003-09-21 - 7:32 p.m.

Dear person still looking for "romantic spanking stories,"
I don't have any. Piss off.

Dear person searching for Gessekai from Nightwalker,

I have it. Sign my guestbook and I'll hook you up.

In other news: hack hack hack sneeze x 500k

All outta chickens

2003-09-19 - 9:43 p.m.


I am getting sick, as I suspected. From the sore throat to the charming amount of mucous in my head, this could very well be the onset of bronchitis. AGAIN? >_< NOOOOOO. Drainage... uck. Hopefully, it's just a sucky cold.

I can't afford to be sick right now. And being sick sucks, anyhow, so I'm going to do voodoo and send my ooginess to someone stupid. *wiggles fingers* Be afraid, stupid people. UTC visit plus prescription drugs equals $$$

I was gonna go see Once Upon a Time in Mexico, but Toni cancelled. Which is fine. I don't have a HAZMAT suit to wear. Oof.

I want fruit. I think I will succomb to the fruit gods and eat something fruity this week. Gimme an orange!

Okay, time to go sacrifice a lamb.

still, you've been waiting for me

2003-09-19 - 7:43 a.m.

currently: Hurray for fucked up sleeping schedules.

*listening to the mix cd I made for Candice... (I should probably give that to her, ne?)*

I think I'm on the verge of getting sick. >_< NOOOO. BACK, EVIL GERMS OF SICKINESS!

But aside from this, cheese.

My shift at work got changed today, so I don't have to close. Tomorrow will suck, though. *kicks desk* Ow, my toe. Work's getting boring. Well, it's never really been exciting... I can't see how some people have stayed with the company for so long. Blehhh. Monotany!

So, you are probably wondering why I am up so early when I don't have to work until later. Okay, you're not. Fine. BE THAT WAY. I'm going to tell you why, anyway! I went to bed at 8pm. =D Woke up at 5am this morning, too. Exhaustion is good. But I'm fucked if I don't sleep at some normal time tonight, since I work 'til 10 tomorrow. heheh... sleepy, think I'll take a nap by the Playstations. *zonnk*

Hands are sexy.

Finding things to do at this hour is next to impossible.

I have nothing to feed my piggy bank anymore. =( I never have any change since I don't use the vending machines at work nor carry cash with me. Poor piggy is starving!

And darkness was upon the face of the deep

Blurf blurf blurf... *wiggle*

Wow, I killed fifteen minutes. Yay.

Eloquence vs. Tongue-tied

2003-09-18 - 2:52 p.m.

I feel like bitching and moaning. I need to vent. ^_^ Ah... let me get a few things off my chest! It's either this, or I hurt someone(s).

I meant to write on this much sooner, but the thought escaped me and wandered back into superficial land. Tongue rings. Hey, look! I can even spell tongue. T-o-n-g-U-e, you morons. That's another matter entirely.

Hmm... before I get further into this rant, I would like to remind you that all of this is based purely on my opinion, my preferences, my common sense. If you don't like it, I suspect you wouldn't be reading this in the first place.

Okay, so, tongue rings. You know the first thing that pops into my mind when I see a tongue ring? No, I doubt you do. Unless you're psychic (in which case, we need to talk... we need to get you your own TV show or write you a book). Anyway, I think: Yech. Sometimes, I'll even say it out loud. And this is before the person with said tongue ring starts playing with it, sucking on it, clicking it against precious enamel in his/her mouth. I don't find tongue rings the least bit attractive. Whatever pithy excuse people come up with for having them are quite fucktarded, too. They think they're cool, they enhance sexual pleasure, they make one unique, etc. That's all garbled bullshit. All they really do is draw attention to the mouth. Perhaps some people want this because they are otherwise boring and/or want to appeal to a certain type of other people.

There's something ultimately disgusting about having something so invasive in your mouth or someone else's mouth. If the people who get them weren't orally fixated before having them, they most definitely are after the fact. And whether they want you to be aware of it or not, you'll see it. The shiny metal or plastic peeking from their lips as they suck on their tongues and the noises--the clicks on the teeth, the sound of saliva sloshing around the tongue--make me want to reach into their mouths and rip out the "jewelry." Irritating.

The mouth is perfectly designed for its purpose. The tongue is arranged inside the mouth to aid your speech as your voice was meant to be heard. Why hinder that? The only self-expression that's supposed to come from the mouth is audible. Not, "Hey, look at the pointless doo dad in my tongue! It's part of who I am. Sure, I swallowed a few of them, but I bought more. A hole in my tongue is a worthy investment! In fact, I think I'll buy more and more jewelry as I gauge it up and get a really big hole in my tongue! That sure is hot! The guy who did it told me so."

The fuck?

Bah bah black sheep
Have you any wool?

Does no one stop and ask WHY anymore?

I've yet to hear a good reason. Could it be that there AREN'T ANY?

"I don't mean to distract from our conversation, but I've got to take this thing out of my tongue before I eat." This leaves you to blankly stare and be distracted by the mouth excavation.... Or you have the ones who eat with the things still in place, which is even more lovely to behold.

I've had the displeasure of kissing someone with a barbell, and the memory still makes me convulse. Nothing says sexy like metal caressing your palette. Oooh baby. And when it was tapping against my teeth, I was completely withdrawn from the kissing experience and focusing on the damn noise. Eh... he was a bad kisser, anyway, but the jewelry in no way enhanced his ability.

If ya can't do a good job with your tongue alone or think having something stapled through your tongue is going to somehow make kissing/licking/what have you better.... you're a lost cause.

So, in sum, tongue rings=gross.

And that's all I have for you at the moment. It felt pretty good to get that out. =D If you have a tongue ring or some other hole-through-tongue device, I would like to say that I didn't mean to offend you; however, that was what I meant to do. So, keep on chewing on your mouth toys, doggies.

Have a nice day!


2003-09-17 - 6:36 p.m.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

I love playing with Babel Fish XD...

English: I saw a monkey today. It was very scary.
Japanese: ���͉������������B����͔���scary �������B
Back to English: I today looked at the monkey. That was the scary very.
German: Ich sah einen Affen heute. Er war sehr furchtsam
Back to English: I saw an ape today. It was much fear SAM.

a stained glass cascade

2003-09-16 - 2:44 p.m.

currently: That hypnotic state between brushing off day dreams and zoning out completely on the couch

*listening to A Perfect Circle, The Thirteenth Step*

Oh, yes, nothing quite so delicious as a new CD playing for the first time. I also have the new Bowie to look forward to. *glee*

I don't know what's the matter with me lately or why the dreams seem to be worse than they usually are. I wake up wanting to rake away the bad thoughts like they're a film on my skin. Perhaps it's the lack of sugar which makes the dreams not so sweet.

Zillah, my tabby, has been more social in the last few days than is normal for him. Maybe he senses that I'm not in my right mind. Or maybe I read too much into everything.

Cast your demons out....

No, I don't think you'll catch me baring my soul. I'll keep myself swathed in whatever will distract me from that. If I pause and try to work away the darkness (whatever word you use, it all means the same thing), the urge to sleep overwhelms me.

Been here too long.

Toni, it might be late before I venture out. I might take a nap soon. A long one. And I'm broke. So, it's up to you what we do.

Twitch twitch

2003-09-16 - 5:35 a.m.

What is this? Bad dream week? I had a fucking dream about Julie, of all people. FUCK ME. No. FUCK HER. Dreams about Rask, dreams about Julie. Both of them started ignoring me out of no where. Both of them broke my heart. Julie broke my trust and ruined it for all future friendships. Rask... I still don't wanna fucking go into that. Maybe someday.

*face palms* Make the bad dreams stop.

Off to work.

The Milky Way was dressed in black

2003-09-14 - 5:40 p.m.

I am sick of these dreams I'm having of late. I know it's the subconscious' way of saying "this is still here, you know?" but COME ON! Bleh, I can't even repress decently. =(

And if I built this fortress around your heart...

I woke up around 4pm. Oops.

The dreams combined with the chill of leaving my fan on all the time made me wake up shivering. I couldn't quite shake off the memories and pain they bring. By not thinking about the details, they're fading from my mind. I know they'll come again. My mind must be a masochist. LET GO, dammit.

They say, You're brain is a comic book tattoo, and you'll never be anything.

Toni, Florida?

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data