Sleeping with Ghosts

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you're gonna be a star

2004-03-10 - 3:24 a.m.

Too much coffee. O_O WEEEEEEEEE.


I think I'll go try to sleep now. HAHAHAH. Urf... after I write a long entry in my other diary about how much I hate boys. ^_^ Yes yes... no. NO! Brain... melting. Tummy... feeling oogy coffee-ness.


*listens to October Project and wants to rip out someone's eyeballs*

Strike fear into the heart of your enemy with a deck of cards!

2004-03-08 - 10:28 p.m.

I finally got to look at the PSO III game at work. It looks completely, utterly fucktarded. ^_^ I wouldn't play it if it fell into my lap and there weren't monthly charges. I wouldn't play it if it were the last game on earth, I was bored to death, and somehow the only electricity available to me ran through my Gamecube. Just... no.

Sega person 1: "Hey, let's take a hugely popular and fun game and turn it into vile crap that only blind people could enjoy!?"
Sega person 2: "Why didn't I think of that? We don't need loyal fans or money! We're Sega! *pause*.... Wait, what did I just say?"

Oh, well. Not even my American consumer-whorism wants to own this game. I think the developers must have been watching Yu Gi Oh and playing Magic the Gathering. It's so sad. T_T

that's what i want

2004-03-08 - 1:37 p.m.

You are SANZO

You are Sanzo from Saiyuki
You are supposed to be a holy man but you smoke,
drink, gamble, cuss, fight, and kill without
the slightest trace of remorse. Other people
annoy you, along with pretty much everything
else in the world that doesn't go your way.
You have no qualms about using force to get
what you desire and have on numerous occasions
brushed others aside to accommodate yourself.
At least you know without doubt exactly what
you want, and you'll get it even if you have to
shoot every goddamn idiot in your way. Sadly
for your ammunition, there seem to be quite a
few of those around.

Which Potentially Deranged and Dysfunctional Anime Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hang on, let me put on my shock face... :O

Today, I chatted with my sister on my way out of work. She told me that our mother had asked her to sign over our trust fund. Of course, my signature would be needed, as well. You see, my mother is broke now (she always was, really. The social security money she was recieving for my brother and herself has been taken away from her. Hah... she didn't really deserve it in the first place. My brother is still in state custody (I think). She worked a little when she was younger; she worked a tiny bit several years ago. She's never had a real job. Honestly, she was one of those women that spends her husband's money (and, in her case, her relative's money, too). Her income consists of interest on the trust fund her aunts left her.

So, now she's up to her eyeballs in mortgages on her house. She wants to cash in on the trust fund left for her daughters to refinance a house she cannot afford.


Fuck a bunch of that. She needs to sell the house (as much as I hate to let go of the "family house"), take the profit to get her shit together, and move into a tiny house suitable for one to two people. Also, she needs to stop behaving like a gimp and get some sort of fucking job. If I have to hear one more story about applying for disability (no, Mommy, lack of concentration is not a disability) or food stamps (FOOD STAMPS?? You live in a house that's worth a couple hundred grand! How the fuck do you think you're going to get food stamps?), I am going to haul off and injure her. Well, not really, but the thought will cross my mind.

Did I mention that she bought all new LEATHER furniture for her den last year? Oh, and a bigscreen TV....

*le sigh*

I don't really care about the money I'll get when she dies. The fact of the matter is, whatever I am left with will probably go straight to paying her debt. But I am not signing it over just because she made bad choices. And I am definitely not signing it over so she can refinance a house she can't afford to live in. If letting her have the money now will save me from inheriting her debt later, by all means... spend the money you didn't earn, woman! Spend the money my great aunts gave me. See if I care.

The thought has crossed my mind to divorce her just to prevent the debt from chasing me. But that's a little harsh, and she'd never forgive me.

Gawd, I hope she doesn't bring this crap up with me any time soon.


2004-03-06 - 7:25 p.m.

Rarrr. I was born to murder the world. No, wait... that's only from a movie. Lord of Illusions. Yes yes. Wow, I think this cig has extra urea. Yummy yum. And what?

I started watching The Last Temptation of Christ, but got distracted. Tired. Bored. Look, monkeys. I need something to do, as of five minutes ago. No, really. Oh, yes, it's ladies night.

*Hail to the Thief stirs*

So, I was thinking to myself, "Self, what are we doing here? Obviously, we're going mad. Why don't we eat a poptart?" After all, poptarts rule. I prefer toasted poptarts. Are you paying attention?


I will go through the motions. And then I will die. And no one will be the wiser. Placed on earth to disturb the lives of others. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this. The raindrops. I can't even hold it together for five minutes. My mind drifts, then I can't remember what I was thinking about. But the chemical reaction to a thought remains. Is it possible for the soul to starve. Who said that the human spirit is located in the brain between the Santa Clause gland and the Tooth Fairy nerve?

The funny thing is... Nothing's wrong with me.

mah tummeh herts

2004-03-05 - 10:01 p.m.

Attention coworkers! The next person that comes up to me and does one or more of the following is going to be kicked squarely in the balls:
Blows on the back of my neck
Strokes my hair
Wraps an arm around me
Rubs my shoulders
Tells me I'm a sexy bitch
Calls me beautiful

You may think you're being cute. You may think you are flirting. In reality, you are obnoxious and severely pissing me off. ^_^

This makes five coworkers that have been creepy bastards since I started working at my current place of employment. That's an average of one per year that I've been there. BUT NO. Lucky me gets to deal with three at once. UGH. I'm going to kill them all :D

In other news, I got a brief message from Rask on POL. He was in Canada. Canada? WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T YOU TELL ME before you went, you stupid fuck? AGGSLKDHGSLHGDslih FUCK.



2004-03-05 - 12:37 a.m.

Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla

Fuck this; I'm going to sleep. Sleep is good... unconsciousness is good. Not being awake is good. Not having to think is good.

Jesus Christ Pose

2004-03-03 - 7:03 p.m.

*listening to Haujobb, Polarity*

I just got back from seeing that movie about Jesus, yo.

BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD. Oh, and BLOOD. It seemed Jesus was incapable of clotting. Don't you die if you lose more than a quart? Well, this Jesus lost gallons. Splurrrsh.


Okay, so I did get weepy-eyed when Mary's comes up to him in the street, but for the most part I was like this O_O throughout the movie.

There was only one part in the movie when I could tell that he was wearing a skinsuit. A certain bend of his elbow gave it away. What can I say? I catch everything.

Well, enough Sunday school. How are you?

looking for water

2004-03-03 - 2:32 p.m.

I'm going to see the Passion of Cooking with Crisco later. Should be entertaining.

I'm about to rip my spinal cord out.

There are several states of grieving, but I think I'll skip all of the middle ones and go straight to resignation. I could tell you that I don't care anymore, but it wouldn't be true. So, I'll just repress, thanks. If there were anyone I could talk to, I probably wouldn't. I find my self-hatred escalates when I try.

I have yet to get my life in order. Pity, that. As of now, I still don't have any plans. I have nothing lined up for the next year or year after that and so on. I can't be arsed to change that yet. And while I'm getting told from multiple directions to see a doctor, I find it somehow comforting that I could drop dead in the middle of lunch.

"Pass the salt."
"Here you..." *thwump*


2004-03-02 - 10:03 p.m.

This new layout took me forfuckingever. >:(


Now my head hurts.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data