Sleeping with Ghosts

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who's your bitch?

2002-09-04 - 11:25 p.m.


I feel the loveeeee. But I don't want it... murr.

I'm being flirted with heavily by an old friend. And I'm not sure what to say or do about it. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Murr... I don't like him like that. I may have at one time. Not now not now not now. sorry, I've been drinking.

Okay, so this is a very odd situation. very very odd. To be honest, I'm too fixated on Rask to even look at other people in a remotely sexual way, let alone be confronted with the idea. Know what I mean? Probably not. And if I told Rask that's how I felt, he'd probably say "cute" and make me feel like an eejit. BLARGH.


Nooooo... now things are awkward. POO. PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!! OH HOLY MOTHER OF MY FORK! *cries* *whimpers*

I hate stupid shite like this. >_<


And why do I feel guilty for being hit on? wtf is that all about?

Murr. If only Rask were able to get online and save me. Murr.

karma police

2002-09-04 - 6:54 p.m.


*listening to Radiohead, OK Computer*

Geography is going to rock. I think it will be the bunny class of this semester. Most of my classmates were bordering on mentally retarded and had taken the teacher before. This was there reason for taking Geography with him--their under-developed brains could easily pass the course. And I don't even have to buy the book.

Sociology and American Lit, however.... Okay, Soc' will probably be annoying, at best. American Lit' will probably invoke some future ranting in here, as most of it revolves around Puritans and other religious extremists.

And I have to write reflection papers again.... *cries* BUT there are only four of them total (or so I'm told), as opposed to the 2 a week I had to write last fall in Greek-Renaissance Lit. My teacher for this Lit' course once advised me over a year ago. I'm sure she doesn't remember me, but I remember her. Her office was messier than my room--quite the accomplishment for an adult, I think.

I have no idea what to expect with Sociology. The Soc' class I had in high school was less than a joke (as were many, if not all, of my classes back then), so I can't use that as a point of reference. Soc' seems like one of those common sense things to me, but we'll see.

Whatever thing was afflicting me yesterday health-wise is healing itself. I did a tiny bit of research on it, and I'm no longer concerned. The last time I had anything remotely similar, I was 5 years old. Naturally, I was a little worried yesterday. But all is well.

I still have a fair amount of the night left to do something. Ja ne.

I need an IV

2002-09-03 - 10:54 p.m.

currently: I don't feel so good

*listening to New Order, Get Ready*

Alright, my lower abdomen has been hurting like a bitch for the last few hours... and there are other strange symptoms coinciding with the pain. They need not be shared with you, but I am worried. No, I'm not on my period.

In spite of this, I have been watching anime and painting Wolfwood on one of my end tables.

Perhaps it will amuse you to know that in my stupidity, I spray-painted the table black while in doors and left a nice square halo on the carpet. Of course, upon seeing this, I furiously scrubbed it out and whistled while making a hasty retreat into my domain. My dad never knew the difference. Though he did complain his head was swimming.

My choice in spray paint wasn't exactly genius, either. It's slick finish instead of matte... which makes it terribly difficult to paint on with acrylic, my paint of choice. But slick was all I had around the house, and I wanted to do it right then and there. fehhh

I hope whatever is going on with my body isn't serious, since I don't have life insurance. Moreover, it would take a Mack truck to drag me to a doctor. My experiences with doctors were not good in my childhood. I was the kid that ran around screaming in the hospital parking-lot, desperately trying to hide under cars.

take my hand and don't let go

I hope this doesn't interfere with my sleeping tonight, considering my sleep last night was poor.

quizzies. because I am bored. fuck you.

2002-09-03 - 8:37 p.m.

What Was Your PastLife?

I'm never going to live that down.


What Inuyasha Character are you?


What Obscure Animal are you?

I'm not that cute.

What Spooky Being are You?

So, I'm bad cross-dresser that poisoned a small town? wtf?!

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!


take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura's feeling social.

Ya got that right

That's all.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data