Sleeping with Ghosts

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I wish I were witty

2004-09-23 - 12:03 a.m.

I was lying in bed, wishing I could fall asleep, when I decided to let it wait a few more minutes. Sometimes I fall to sleep quicker when I get things out of my head.

So, Things, get out of my head! Shoo!

Urgh. I'm fighting off those classical feelings of "pointlessness" right now, but the cynic in me is winning. Just about everything is pointless to me anymore. This is dangerous because it leads to behavior that is unlike me, and then later makes me angry with myself for acting like a jackass.

I suppose I'm growing even more dissatisfied with my life as it goes on, if that's possible. I hate sounding like some broken fucking record, "Oh, woe is me." I don't often speak or write of this for fear of the rain of BS that comes raining down when anyone says they're unhappy. I don't want to hear, "Things aren't that bad, kiddo. Cheer up," or "You have so much potential and so many possibilities," or "Tomorrow's another day," or "If you're not happy, change," or anything remotely as pithy as those.

Oh, and let's not forget those lovely people in our lives that like to psychoanalyze. If one more person tells me how I "should think" or what I "should do" because it's what they do, I may just start ripping off people's heads and dancing around with skulls on my feet.

It takes a village to raise a child. Well, no shit, but that doesn't mean your village can't have the occasional weirdo. This is not my point. I'm not sure that I have one.

The trouble I have is that I am very rarely happy. And at those intermittent times, I'm still groveling at the bottom of the barrel hoping a deity might take pity on me. I take things day by day, and I know that life is short. I revel in that, actually.

Sympathy doesn't make me feel any better. Pity irritates me. What's a girl to do? Keep it bottled up forever and hope no one hears the screams inside my head? It's a dilemma. And they're not so much screams as little squeaks of hate.

And then there's the affectionately coined term "self-loathing." My own knows no bounds. In fact, it may be the root of all my problems. I once told a boy on the bus when I was 11 or 12 that I had no self-esteem so any attempt he made at insulting me would have no affect on me. It was a trite thing to say at the time, I know. Give me a break; I was a kid. Everyone has a self-esteem. I think mine took a vacation when I was little and hasn't even sent a postcard since.

Many of you see this in my inability to take compliments. I'd say 90% is due my self-loathing and 10% is from mistrust. Compliments make me feel cruddy, because sometimes I want them to be true when I am thinking they are not.

Well, it's been one hour, and I am boring myself.

In the jungle

2004-09-22 - 12:55 p.m.

Anatomy exam---DONE. And not as godawful as I was expecting. Actually, I think I did well, but I don't want to be too presumptuous.

Now that that stress is out of the way... I can think about other things, like killing antelope with my bare teeth. Er...

I am so relieved that this week is nearly over. Hurrah!

Murder by numbers

2004-09-21 - 12:42 a.m.

I just spent the last 7 hours doing homework and studying.

Outlook: not so good. God, there were times when I was staring blankly at my math problems and, suddenly, I was transported back into the 4th grade. (For those of you that don't know, I went through a phase of taking forever to solve things--mainly math... perhaps I have another learning disability besides dyslexia? The world may never know.) Anyway, there are times when things just don't click no matter how I look at them. In this particular instance, it involves factoring which is the opposite of the "FOIL" process. Now, for some reason, my brain cannot go backwards with numbers that easily.

The teacher gave examples in class, I stared at my notes, read the online tutorial, even watched a video tutorial. I think I've picked it up, but I barely understand it. (I remember having trouble with it in high school, too.)

I feel like such a dumbass. This is intermediate shit.

And then I studied for my bio exam which is in 10 hours. I'm not sweating it, but I don't think I'll do great either.

I hate the feeling of frustration I get when it comes to math. I get so pissed off that I want to give up, but I can't because I have that nagging feeling that I'm inferior if I do. My dad pounded that into me when I was in the 4th grade. Naturally, this only makes me feel more shitty when I'm completely clueless.

Go ask Alice

2004-09-20 - 4:30 p.m.

So, my sister's family moved into their new house last week. It's quite nice. It's construction was just finished a few days before they moved in. I covet her master bedroom/bathroom/closet.

*whimper* I want my own place.

In other exciting news, my mom's behaviour has become even more retarded--if that's possible. She's taken to completely avoiding my father (whom she owes money, but that's not the reason she's avoiding him). I think she's playing her victim card and pulling some bitter divorcee bullshit. Hello, you've been divorced since 1986. You can't blame the crappiness of your life on my dad.

Poor, repressed, socially inept woman. She has so many issues, she has back issues! We're talking volumes! They should be on CD-Rom soon, so you can browse through archives of her fucked up life.

Yesterday, my dad babysat my sister's kids (because he enjoys it and doesn't charge my sister--go figure). My mother wanted to take them to church, so my sister agreed (she's not worried about some them undergoing some profound religious experience since they're only 3 and 5. To them, church is pretty much play time.) Afterward, my mother actually had the gall to ask if she'd be paid for babysitting them. For taking them to church. When it was her idea. And they already had a babysitter for the day that wasn't charging.

I know my mother's financially hurting BUT COME ON.

I'm slightly sunburned from sitting outside between classes and scribbling anatomy notes. My freckles are all dark, and they must have fornicated because now I have a billion on my arms compared to the millions I started out with this morning. Woe is me. Freckle sex is hot. But it's so fast that you can't see it happen. :(

At least the weather is nice (mmm hurricane scraps)

2004-09-17 - 4:24 p.m.


There's no way in hell I'm going to memorize all this shit. *weeps*

Of course, it doesn't help that I overslept today (even after hearing my alarm) and missed anatomy. FUCK FUCK FUCKETY FUCK FUCK FUCK.

I am so screwed. ^_^

Maybe that's why we're all looking at the stars

2004-09-16 - 4:00 p.m.

I have so much to study that my brain may explode and start dribbling out of my nose. No homework (except the measely online math crap) just studying. I have 2 exams next week. The anatomy one covers sooooo freaking much that I want to cry just thinking about it. So, I have to memorize six chapters in a few days. No problem... I am doomed. Oh, sure, I've been keeping notes the whole time, but I haven't absorbed any of them. And then there's the bio exam which covers 5 chapters which I haven't even read because I don't have the book because I am a lazy bitch. Fortunately, the bio crap looks suspicisously easy... but there's still a lot of it.

Both teachers made study guides--but whereas the bio teacher has been going along with hers from the start of the course, the anatomy teacher just gave us one that basically resembles the diagrams in the book without the captions. GREAT. "Identify this." "NOOOOOOO I must turn to page 79 in the book and page 1986876 in my notes to find out... NOOOO." Useless.

This also brings to mind one of the main reasons I abhor college: I find that nearly all of the courses I have had were based on cramming your brain with information. Naturally, other students and I retain this information long enough to pass a test and then it spills right back out of our brains and floats off to Neptune. In other words, I'm not learning shit. Oh, every once in a while, you might hear some trickle of information from me that I might have quaffed from some hefty college book, but this is rare and probably correlates to something I genuinely have interest in and might have studied on my own.

In all likelyhood, whatever I learn this semester will be drifting back out into the solar system by January.

My expression for the day: =/

2004-09-15 - 7:22 p.m.

So, my cats have been acting a bit odd lately. Morg plops her big ass between the plants on the bay window, knocking all kinds of things over as cats will do. Zillah has taken to sitting damn-near on top of me if I sit on the couch. And today, they were both sitting next to me on the same side and they don't even like each other. I keep thinking they know something I don't.

We just started doing functions in my math class, and my brain has decided to take a vacation. I'm trying to do my homework, and I end up yelling at the paper like it owes me money.


Today, I had one of those lovely "college" students come to my door and try to sing me into buying a magazine subscription. No, he literally sang "The Itsy-bitsy Spider" to me. So, imagine me, standing there awkwardly listening to his spiel with the fakest of half-interest smiles on my face. No, hitting on me isn't going to get me to give you money. >:( And even if I wanted to believe for a second that he really does get points for some grand contest, I don't con easily.

I hate that crap almost as much as I hate charity phone calls. Maybe more.

And this is why I should never answer the door.

So, let's see... I don't pick up the phone and don't answer the door. HAHA! This plan shall prevail! I am free from creepy interactions with strangers forever! Well... at least until I go out into public. Damn the public. Why aren't there any caves with vacancies? T_T Why can't I be a complete hermit?

*cries a little*

Well, fudge.


2004-09-14 - 12:05 p.m.

Rarrr... I just got out of bed about five minutes ago. I'm not sure if I'm fully awake yet. I skipped Bio. And I still haven't bought the book for that class. Maybe I'll do that today after math class, which *shock* I will be going to.

I have been very very lazy the last week or so. I'm not terribly depressed or anything (I think... my mind could be playing tricks on me). I'm behind on laundry, haven't worked on the floor (that other bedroom one) much, haven't done much of anything. Staying up later than I should doesn't help. I should be in bed by at least 12, so I can function the next morning and actually get up at a decent time so I don't have to scamble to class (or like this morning--miss is completely).

Yuck. I need to brush my teeth.

I had some pretty strange dreams last night. I don't recall much more than that. Darn.

I make people run around nude

2004-09-13 - 12:49 p.m.

What kind of disease are you?


Fyxation is caused by bacteria.

An infection of Fyxation causes victims to write bad goth poetry.
Fyxation is cured by never wearing shoes ever again.


What kind of disease are you?


Fyx is caused by bad television.

Fyx disease causes a constant lack of clothing.
To cure Fyx, listen to every album by the Beatles, backwards.


Lately, I've been reading back through my current paper journal (the thing is huge--it goes all the way back to 2002, mayber earlier), and I keep thinking, "Who the hell is this person?" I vaguely recall writing the tripe that fills those pages... And it's so repetitive.

Hell's bells, I have math soon. I have no idea how I'm doing in anatomy. I've been making notes like mad, but I'm not sure if they're sinking in or if I'm even writing down the right things. The instructor still soars through crap as I furiously scribble down notes in class. There hasn't been homework. There's an exam next week. I am full of dread :D


2004-09-10 - 12:02 a.m.

The last couple nights, I've been having a rough time sleeping. I'll wake up every few minutes, disoriented and unable to tell if I am still dreaming. Throughout today, I kept hearing my own voice in my head (well, not like hearing voices--more like my thoughts bumbling together) coming up with words to say or write while talking to people... bah, it's hard to explain. I never said the things I was thinking. And the thoughts felt wrong... surreal. I'm wondering if I have a fever or something.

I just took a very cool shower, even though I normally take a shower every morning. I kept lowering and lowering the temperature. Instead of getting colder and colder, it felt better and better.

Every time I've had a fever in the past, I can almost feel it boiling away brain cells. I can't differentiate reality from hallucination. And that's kinda how I feel right now but on a lesser scale. I don't feel sick, though.

I am curious if I will wake up tomorrow with that overwhelming and alien self-doubt, wondering who I am and where I am.

I just want to sleep soundly tonight.

Love +1

2004-09-08 - 8:19 p.m.

When it comes to math, my brain examines a formula for a good few seconds and then registers a great big: HUH? Seriously, I think I am actually understanding math this time (despite the fact that I am struggling to comprehend how knowing how to find the slope of a line will help me save for retirement), but I am so FUCKING slow.

I know the formulas to make equations but it takes my brain a few seconds to apply them with the information given. I don't know why this is, but it has always been this way. I have an exam tomorrow, which I'm sure I'll do okay on; I'm just worried that I'll spend too much time on each problem as I try to remember what equation is used where.

>< I've never had a mathmatical mind. It's difficult for me to process math because I've never understood the point. I don't use algebra. Ever.

For an example: Suzy is three inches shorter than George. Their total height is 123 inches.
Instead of computing it as...
x (George)+ x-3 (Suzy)=123
2x-3=123 x=126/2 x=63 George is 63 inches tall; Suzy is 60 inches tall.

my brain says
Suzy is 60 inches tall, and George is 63 inches tall.

Does that make any sense at all?

Anyway, I have a word brain and not a number brain. So sue me. Wish me luck on my exam, though. ; ;

Don't Panic

2004-09-06 - 1:38 p.m.

*listening to Coldplay, Parachutes* I had a dream that an enormous tornado was plowing down my neighborhood. The sky was pitch black, then it was hazy orange but clear. I remember crouching in the hallway because I had nowhere else to go. Then the sky went black again, and I could hear and feel the tornado rubbing up against the house and over it. There wasn't a lot of destruction, surprisingly. Some of the windows were history and the roof was lopsided.

Anyway, I knew that the dream had something to do with my current state of mind. According to typical dream analysis:

A tornado is a typical manifestation of a subconscious mind raging out of control. If you find the eye of the storm, gain control of your body or even ignore the calamity, then the worst is already over. If a storm destroys your home, you must do some hard brainstorming to imagine a radical solution to a big problem in your waking life.

I can agree with that, but I also see the tornado as me wanting to wipe everything clear and start afresh. The house getting barely touched might represent my powerlessness.

Then again, it could be that I'm the house or just me alone inside the house not getting hurt means it takes a lot to break me down.

Dream interpretation is so fun. XD

Crazy little thing called semi-paste stripper

2004-09-05 - 7:33 p.m.

Are you gonna take me home tonight
Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls
You make the rockin' world go round

Hey I was just a skinny lad
Never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery
Left alone with big fat Fanny
She was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me
Hey hey!

I've been singing with my band
Across the wire across the land
I seen ev'ry blue eyed floozy on the way
But their beauty and their style
Went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time

Oh won't you take me home tonight?
Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh and you give it all you got
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round

Hey listen here
Now your mortgages and homes
I got stiffness in the bones
Ain't no beauty queens in this locality (I tell you)
Oh but I still get my pleasure
Still got my greatest treasure
Heap big woman you gonna make a big man out of me
Now get this
Oh you gonna take me home tonight (please)
Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go round
Get on your bikes and ride

Oooh yeah them fat bottomed girls
Fat bottomed girls
Yeah yeah yeah
Fat bottomed girls
Yes yes

Fat Bottomed Girls

A little theme music while I scrape the finish off a hard wood floor and get chemical burns :D

Anything is possible with a little Queen in the background.

You know I'll never be lonely, you're my only one, and I love the things--I really love the things that you do...

surgeon general's warning

2004-09-05 - 10:40 a.m.

Man, if you thought I was thrifty before... The only money I've spent since I quit my job has been on school or gas or cigarettes. Yes, I am aware how much money I could save if I quit smoking altogether.

I need a new drug habit. Maybe I'll turn to drinking! Wait... I'm not very fond of hangovers and it's even more expensive. Liver failure or lung cancer! So hard to decide.

I'm anxiously awaiting my residual check from my financial aid. I still haven't bought my bio book, but that's no biggy. I've already spent 250 on materials for anatomy and math.

I keep remembering clips from some rather stupid dreams I'm having. The bad thing is, the more I drive them away, the more they show up again when I sleep. I can't win.


As we fall asleep

2004-09-01 - 7:56 p.m.

How come deleting old e-mail from someone I don't even talk to anymore is so hard? Oh, well. *deletes, reads, deletes*

That was surreal.

Classes are moving along faster than I like. Two of them are, anyway. It's like the instructors want to cram as much as possible into one semester... which is just dumb since I'm going to forget it all in a matter of months.

I actually seem to be picking up the algebra this time. Luckily, the handouts the teacher makes for each class help greatly.

As for anatomy... I could scribble down notes in class, but the instructor goes so fast they end up looking like a lot of nonsense. So, I've been outlining key things outside of class. I'm still making notes for chapter one, and she's in chapter two. I'll have to find a way to keep up. That 2 hour space between anatomy and math helps. I've been sitting in the library and doing notes there.

The day goes by much too fast now. I get home from class around 4pm most days and the rest just evaporates. Going to bed around 11-12 feels unnatural.



2004-08-31 - 10:24 p.m.

Math is the debil!

Also... having class right when the entire parking lot is full--the debil!

Parking 4 million miles from south campus--the debil.

So, basically, everything is evil. Mmmyep.

My nose itches.

I'm not going to answer the phone for a few days

2004-08-30 - 6:23 p.m.

Religion Definition
are you mono or polytheistic?The more... the merrier
do you subscribe to a major religion?No
how do you feel about Jesus?The same way I feel about Buddha, Mohammed, and Ghandi
what holy book do you feel is most accurate (Bible, Koran, etc)Accuracy and religion don't go together.
do you believe in reincarnation?In my own way.
do you believe in the traditional heaven and hell?No
do you believe in ANY heaven and/or hell?Sorta.
do you think the god(s) are vengeful or nice?Yes
do you believe in angels?Not in the traditional sense.
do you believe in miracles?No.
do you believe in predestination?No.... not in the terms associated with that word.
do you believe in original sin?No.
do you believe in freedom of will?Yes, though whichever choice we make happens as it was supposed to. I don't believe in paradoxes.
do you believe in souls?Sure.
what do you think will happen to you when you die?My energy or life will pass on into something else. Energy doesn't die.
do you think there will be an armageddon?The world will end. Most likely when the sun goes supernova. >.>
why do you think we exist?For the same reason everything else exists. You tell me.
do you believe in life on other planets?Yes.
do you believe in evolution?It's rather stupid to ask someone if they "believe" in evolution. Evolution isn't some myth; it has actual evidence to support it. I agree with evolution.
do you think religion and science will always oppose the other?I don't think they oppose each other now. That's like watching a match such as the Easter Bunny vs. the atom.
what would you say to God if you met him/her/them today?Why me?
anything else we should know?No one should believe the same thing as another person. But people love to group together and feel important... So, organized religion will always be around.


I got one of those phone calls from the fire dept. asking for donations for some such or other thingamabob. I told the guy twice that I have no income. He still put me down for a donation. He said he'd send out the envelope and give me a week to send it back. I told him again that I have no income. He said he'd give me two weeks. WHAT THE FUCK? Just a few minutes ago, I get a call asking to confirm my donation. I told this lady that I told the other guy I have no income. And then she mumbled something and hung up.

Goddamn these people. The first guy didn't even tell me which department he was from, if it were a general donation or what! He just said it was for the annual "Stop, drop, and roll" thingy... Like that realy tells me where my money would be going. And he wouldn't take no for an answer. How much more clear could I be when saying I have no income than if I had told him to go fuck himself with a firehose?

This is the kind of BS that veers me away from charities of any kind. I would rather physically be involved with something than blindly give money to some "cause."

Grrrr... now I'm grumpy.

i'll be there for you when you want me to

2004-08-29 - 2:49 p.m.

*listening to New Order, Get Ready*

I saw the stray kittens playing in the front yard. They are so cute @_@

Morgana, more *affectionately* known as Morg, is beginning to show her age. While she remains an enormous blob of cat fat, her hips have narrowed and she has trouble jumping even the smallest heights. And while she's always taken great joy peeing outside the litterbox, she's doing it more frequently now. My dad theorizes she has trouble getting in and out of the litterbox, so I'm going to try putting a ramp on it. I mean, hell, I walked into the front room that I'm working on and found a pint of cat piss on a piece of plastic on the floor. Thank goodness it was the plastic and not the actual floor.

There's not much I can do for her to make her life easier, sadly. She's always been an evil cat, so I've never been able to take her to the vet. The only time she'd been was when she was spayed... and they said she was the meanest cat they had ever had. They had to noose her and keep her drugged the whole time she was there. She doesn't like strangers at all. She doesn't like me when strangers are around. She used to attack them but now she just hides when she sees them. Anyway, I hate to watch her slowly die in misery and pain... I mean, she's not to that point yet, but she will be eventually. I can tell just by looking at her that her bones hurt. Probably doesn't help that she's obese. :/ Poor thing.

chemical stink

2004-08-28 - 9:17 p.m.

*after interesting exchange with JH...

Oh, I have nothing against hair grooming and what not, just to make that clear. I would just like people to know more about hair before completely removing it for aesthetic reasons. :D

There's a big difference between grooming and going out of your way to appeal to your sex of preference.

It is storming outside.

The flea collars I put on my cats stink something awful X_X

pluck me, pluck me, ohh... ahhh

2004-08-28 - 6:02 p.m.

I felt like writing a little bit on an oddball subject because I'm in an oddball mood.

The real question is: when am I not?

Anyway, sometimes I like to research off the wall things that stumble into my head. I thought of this one while I was shaving my legs in the shower.

Do not abuse your hair folicles or ask someone else to abuse theirs. Most people don't think about this (and this mostly applies to waxing and not shaving) but nerves are connected to every tissue in our bodies. Hair folicles, included.

When hair is shaved or waxed, one loses sensation on the skin. Just like a cat involuntarily uses its whiskers to feel, every hair stimulates nerves when touched.

I don't know why people dismiss don't give that a second thought. Ever have someone pull the hairs on your arm? Hurts like hell, right?

Waxing is one of those things that really leaves me dumbfounded. For one thing, it's painful. Pain is a sign that's something is wrong. Each time a hair is pulled by the root out of a folicle, it damages the nerves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't nerve damage bad? Hair folicles can also bleed when a root is removed because blood vessels are right underneath them. And then you've got scar tissue. If this is repeated over and over again... well, you get the idea, scarred folicles and useless nerves--which deadens sensation in the skin. Hair folicles can also get infected easily because the sweat and oil glands are right there just waiting for dirt. So, then you've got bumps or scabs or some other disgusting problem to deal with.

Shaving too close can irritate the folicles, too, leaving razor burn or bumps.

My main point is the nerve thing. When someone grazes their finger over hair on your arm or whatever, you feel it. You might even get gooseflesh if the sensation triggers other nerves. Hair has many functions and touch is one of them. One of the purposes for having skin is protection, and hair plays a role in this. Hair fends off dirt, generates heat (either from radiating body heat or from friction), directs sweat, and so on.

Skin is our sensory organ and hair is part of that organ.

The only reason hair is shaved or waxed(and I'm not including before surgeries to prevent hairs from falling into places they don't belong) is for some aesthetic bullshit. Removing hair does not add sensation; it alters it. It is not more hygienic to remove it unless you're some skanky sleaze.

Here's a link to a diagram of skin.

The only reason I shave is purely from habit. I grew accustomed to having shaved armpits and now I dislike it if they're not shaved. In that long stint of time that I didn't shave my legs, I learned just how much sensation I lost from not having leg hair. I sorta miss it.

Oh... and I did a little research on pubic hair, too. Basically, it serves the same purpose that all body hair does; there's just more of it to reduce friction during sex. As expected, all the nerves down there are easily excited, including the ones on the hair folicles.

Here's a lovely pussy anatomy link. I didn't really have to share that... but it was too funny not to. Uh...

So, in conclusion, respect your body hair even if you don't like it.

And, yes, I have been called firecrotch. ._.

vanilla caramel

2004-08-26 - 5:29 p.m.

*listening to Delerium, Karma*

I am so tired. -_-ZzzZZZzzz

I still haven't gotten my parking permit. RAGE. Uh... blah... I went yesterday after class, but I didn't make it in time due to traffic. I went today between classes, but the line was too fucking long... Oh, and I'm going to appeal my parking ticket since the school papers says they changed the date requiring permits and because there were signs all over the place that said the 7th.

I got up before 8am this morning. It sucked. Now I'm so tired that I wanna curl up right here on my keyboard.

South Campus... it's a nice little facility, but I had to park about a fucking mile away. It was insanely busy. The parking lot and every possible space on all the roads in the vicinity were taken. I don't mind hoofing it, but DAMN that's annoying. Plus, it was raining when I walked back to my car.

So... I am guessing that tuition is going to use up about 3/4 of my financial aid. I'll get a residual check in a few days (maybe weeks), and that'll cover the cost of my books and the parking permit. Lemme make up some estimations: $140 anatomy book, $100-125 math book/access code thingy, (brand new fucking edition) 100-150 biology book, $5 scantron forms (I can't believe schools are so fucking cheap that they charge you for exam supplies now), and parking permit comes to about $550-585. I think my financial aid should cover me completely. ;>.> I might even have a tiny bit leftover.

BLARGHHHHH I am tired. It's funny-- I could care less about the classes themselves, but the BS surrounding them (parking permit, books, financial aid,e tc.) is nerve racking.

I watched Amelie again last night (On Demand TV rules), and I really adore that movie... but I felt really empty after watching it and immediately went to bed. I didn't want to think about why I was feeling so empty.

I think I'm gonna drink Vanilla Coke and play Super Mario World on the SNES.


2004-08-25 - 4:18 p.m.

First day of classes... classes... classes... boring... zzzzz

I parked in the furthest spot from the school. K lot on the other side of Alumni... far far back in the hills. I was put at ease by the dozens of signs that read "Permits required by September 7th." Is it any surprise that I still got a ticket? Fucking greedy... grrr. And, naturally, by the time I got over to the parking blahblah building, it was closed and the lot next to it was closed. IT'S A CONSPIRACY.

I haven't bought my books yet... I am scared. ;; I know the anatomy book is $140. The online access code I have to have for math is $25... I better fucking get an A in that class if I have to pay some shitty online fee.

So, tomorrow, BIO: Human Ecology and more math. And, gods, that two hour space between classes is torture. I read, walked around outside, ate lunch, read more, walked more, etc. BORING. *dies*

I am not in the slightest worried about the sciences classes. They're interesting enough that I'll pick them up with minimal studying. The math is what bothers me. I haven't really used math in years, so I know I'll have to actually put forth effort to do well. Yuck. Effort is for people that give a shit.

Gung ho

2004-08-24 - 11:51 p.m.

I seem to have gotten my classes fixed. I gave up and registered for a BIO at a different time. Now I'll be up early every day for classes at 11am. BOO.

I feel rather sluggish and half brain dead at the moment. Perhaps because I've been going to bed at 8am and waking up around 7pm? No no! What could possibly be the harm in that? Besides fucking up my metabolism moreso than it already is...

So, yeah, I've got this slight headache... And I dread going to class tomorrow. Not because it's at 11am and there's a fat break between it and the next class, but because I'll have to put on pants! NOOOOOO! In the last two weeks, I've grown accustom to strolling around in a t-shirt. Damn the system.


Hermit-ing away, I nearly forgot about the terrible state of my car's umm... shit, I forgot the word. Axel? No no.. the part that goes into the wheel. At any rate, they're grinding. There's 400 dollars down the drain (when I get motivated to get it fixed).

My knee hurts. *scowls*

I am proud to say I've spent nearly nothing in over two weeks. And I got my final paycheck for an astounding $70.

I'm watching Trigun again. ='.'= It's interesting catching things I missed before.

Well, I think it's about time for me to go read some Oscar Wilde and try to sleep. I expect I'll dream in high society English again. -_-

where your lust ends

2004-08-23 - 12:23 a.m.

After drawing up an outline to take to whatever person who will listen, I discovered I really am as bad at math as I have declared many times. Actually, it was just an oversight and has nothing to do with math.

Anyway. After this semester, I should be able to get a Associate in Arts Degree IF: they accept ENG 251 in Category I, and I can get into that Human Ecology course. *Joy*

If I successfully get into that science class, I'll have 64 credits when the semester is over. The degree only requires 60. And now the great debate begins... What do I do with it once I have it? What school will I go to afterward? How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

I'm listening to this old tape I made a few years ago. The randomness of it makes me miss my MP3 collection terribly. ; ; I haven't downloaded a single song since I put the new hard drive in. Guess I'm just lazy and bitter. But I really miss some of the songs I had. A few of the really good ones aren't backed up anywhere. And I can't remember if I deleted my MP3 collection off of Yakumo's HD (which is sitting in front of me, collecting dust). I tried to slave it to the current computer (which I did when I first got this HP and it worked fine), but it won't recognize it now. :/

Well, I'm off to do... something...

And on to better things.

2004-08-22 - 3:59 a.m.

I'm still trying not to worry about school, but it's such a clusterfuck. Like I told others before, dealing with the bullshit you're offered up at a university is like fast food service. They don't know who you are. They don't care who you are. They just want your money.

On Monday, I'm going to try to find a human being to speak to about actually getting an Associates in Arts. I'll explain the problem with my credits and all that shit.

My mother and sister are both nagging me about what I want do. By "do" they mean job. It somewhat amuses me that they show interest in this aspect of my life when the rest has meant little to nothing to them. Though my mother did go on for a good ten minutes about how she failed to keep me Christian. I shot that conversation down as quickly as possible.

She's never thought outside the box. She knows nothing but Christianity. It's no wonder she clings to her god after her "near death experience." Under any name, I can't accept an all-powerful, conscious god. Whether it be floating on a cloud somewhere or grazing in a field. But trying to explain this to someone that has never questioned God's existence is like trying to describe color to a blind person.

Oh, I believe there is something. I do not believe in something born of nothing. The universe is too perfectly constructed for it to simply have gotten here on its own. Maybe the only true living thing is the universe itself. Blah. It's all so very human to explain away the universe and god, as if we could ever possibly know. That's one of the things the differentiates us from other animals--not intelligence but curiousity about things we can't know. This curiousity is enough to drive us mad. Is it any wonder people come up with wonderful, unfounded stories to expain the inexplicable? It keeps them sane, docile, subordinate. Rebellion leads to chaos, and who wants that?

Along the way, man developed this nasty trick to tie morality into religion. Thou shalt not kill. Ah, but if there is no god, does that mean I can just go kill whomever I want? Well, of course not... But we're subconsciously fed this crap that all nonbelievers lack morality. Think about, if you will, a world where humans have just learned walk upright. Oh, but let's not forget that Christians in the United States are some of the few Christians on the planet that deny evolution. I'm not sure how this country became so narrow minded on that... Ah, yes, Puritans. Anyway, nearly all Christians the world over accept evolution as part of their God's plan. Even the Roman-Catholic Church accepts evolution.

I digress. Back to the visual: we're walking upright and we have begun traveling in groups and making little habitats and what not for ourselves. We develope unspoken rules--because we can't really speak yet--which we pass on to other groups and down the generations. They're mostly behaviors every animal has--such as defending your offspring and your mate, providing each other with food... And then we started protecting the elderly and the weak; something not-so common in other animals. But our massive brains began realizing the potential in numbers and beyond that, we were guarding the precious information in the brains of others. People with knowledge which you don't have are an asset, and you can't afford to lose them. Naturally, emotions started blooming in our species--sympathy, love, admiration, and so on. To kill someone whom you don't love but someone else might is wrong. To kill someone beneficial to your survival is wrong. To kill is wrong. It doesn't take a god's word to know that.

Sticky situation, religion and politics. I'd rather stay out of it.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data