Sleeping with Ghosts

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will love stay in my heart?

2002-03-09 - 11:08 p.m.

currently: in a writing mood

*listening to Tori Amos' "Flying Dutchman"*

First, let's get this out of the way:

Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!

as if any of you had any doubt...


You're Brad Pitt. You're not really a vampire, but you play one in a movie.
Find your inner vampire.

well, at least I'm hot.
one more....

All ducks aren't sweet and innocent and you prove that. You have a nasty streak.
Find your inner rubber ducky.

Why am I giggling?

I saw this on someone else's diary and thought I'd give it a try. I may be here all night, since I'm rather uninteresting. -_-;;

100 things about me
first installment

  1. I doodle everywhere, regardless of where I am and what's going on around me.
  2. I stay in bed 'til the last possible moment before I have to go to work.
  3. The only carbonated drink I'll consume is A&W's Creme Soda.
  4. I must have music playing at all times if I am in my room and not sleeping.
  5. I spend all my money on anime and manga.
  6. My favorite flavor is jamocha.
  7. I have a tattoo that reads "mysterious death" in kanji located on my right calf.
  8. I sleep with 1-3 blankets no matter how warm it is.
  9. I sometimes put my hair in pigtails because I think it looks cute.
  10. In high school, people called me "mommy."
  11. I sing when nobody's home and in the car.
  12. If left bored for hours at a time, I'll paint on the furniture.
  13. My walls are covered with movie, comic character, anime, musician, book, and video game posters.
  14. I write when I'm annoyed, sad, bored, or very happy.
  15. I have a cyst on my left foot.
  16. I tried to kill myself a few times in middle and high school. Obviously unsuccessful, I'd always feel really stupid the next day.
  17. My favorite song is "Kathy's Song (Come Lie Next to Me)" by Apoptygma Berzerk.
  18. I chew on my bottom lip when I'm nervous.
  19. I'm dyslexic as kucf.
  20. I make cat noises, even when no one's around to hear them.
  21. I hate tap water.
  22. I dislike my job but stay there because I'm too lazy to find a new one.
  23. My dad made me repeat the 4th grade.
  24. My catch phrase is "moo."
  25. I measure beauty by imagining the subject emerging from water... sometimes in slow motion.
  26. I bite.
  27. I root for the bad guy.
  28. I'm often told that I'm flirting, though I don't mean to.
  29. Country music contorts my face into things scarier than Clive Barker creations.
  30. I miss the routine of high school.
more tomorrow.
3:45 pm

currently: Heh, whatever.

*listening to Tori Amos rares*

Yep, yep. I'm back. (was I gone?)

I haven't felt like doing anything but sleeping. ^^, I went to the lame-ass meeting for work this morning, then returned home and slept.

Before going to work, I had two very very vivid dreams. Both suck, but I'll share them anyway.

dream 1

I've actually had this dream before or one very similar. I was in a bathtub with a male who shall remain nameless. *shudder* He was lying on top of me. Now, I think we had had sex. Otherwise, the position we were in was too compromising for words. I kept shifting to keep his face above water, though he wasn't asleep, so he could have done that himself. I think in the dream I had before, he'd been asleep. I recall a kiss, which in the dream made me think of something he'd said before in real life. Something neither here nor there, so I won't bother trying to repeat it. Dumb dream.... thinking about it now makes me feel all dirty. eck! eck! I need a shower! ... but the shower would only remind of this stupid dream. wah!!!!

dream 2

I was sneaking around at a party for Rhiannon, an old friend. I think it was a birthday party, but I'm not certain. It was in a nursing home. Figure that one out. I wanted to say hi to her, but when I got within range of her, I saw Julie. Disgusted, I went into avoid mode and wandered into the nursing home. I was trying to find a restroom to hide in. I found one... sort of, the stalls were really short (dream material has its own snippy sense of humor). A woman came in and asked why I was sneaking around. I think she was a guest. She was in her 40-50s. I explained the whole wicked tale of how Julie thought I had betrayed her, how she was now ignoring me, and how I loathed even looking at her since I found out her reasoning. The woman didn't say much, other than offering pity and telling me how ridiculous it was. That's all I remember of this dream.
end dreams

Pah, the first dreams I recall clearly in several months, and they're both stupid.

I have to go back to work in 2 hours. =/ dammit.

I sing to the sun in the sky.
I sing to the sun rising high.
Carnival time is near.
Magical time of the year.
And as the time draws near,
dreams fill my heart.
I sing when he plays his guitar.
I sing as the night wakes the dawn.
Will love come my way on this magical day?
And will love stay in my heart?

Carnival time is near.
Magical time of the year.
And as the time draws near,
dreams fill my heart.
I sing when he plays his guitar.
I sing my dream from afar.
Will love come my way on this magical day?
And will love stay in my heart?
Will true love come my way on this magical day?
Will love stay in me?
Carnival, Tori Amos

I'm not sure I got the words right. I was just typing it as I heard it.

I guess I should go enjoy my time before work.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data