Sleeping with Ghosts

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more about me, Moo

2002-03-11 - 10:19 p.m.

currently: head ouchies

*listening to Apop--"Kathy's Song"*

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You know I'm not a saint.
Not so much eat them as mangle them.

But I digress.....

100 things about me
3rd installment

  1. If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving small & fuzzy creatures.
  2. If stranded on a desert island and could only bring one thing with me, I'd probably drown before I reached this desert Island's shore.
  3. I like dancing in my car.
  4. I want to visit New Orleans at least once before I die.
  5. My dream job is video game tester.
  6. If I'm in a bad mood, I isolate myself. The best way to put me in a worse mood is to bother me.
  7. I own far too much nail polish.
  8. If I could afford one plastic surgery, I'd choose breast reduction.
  9. When I'm sick or in pain, I take 4 to 5 showers a day. Water calms me.
  10. My favorite dessert is cheesecake. No berries.
  11. I like making people wonder.
  12. If I could be in any Final Fantasy game, it'd be X. I love water, what can I say?
  13. I used to cut myself. I could make up a list of reasons why, but none of them are acceptable.
  14. I can't take compliments.
  15. All my shoes/boots are black.
  16. My favorite fabric is velvet.
  17. I maintain all five senses while dreaming.
  18. The worst drug I've tried is acid.
  19. The most horrible gift I've ever gotten was a bottling sand kit thing from my mom.
  20. I love post cards.

That was 51-70. More to come later.

According to this test, I'd be this European king:

#1 Alfred the Great (871-899) - Saxon hero who repelled the Danes from the south of England. He was also well educated and set up schools, but his military achievements are better remembered. Died of old age.


# 2 Henry V (1413-22) - young, brave, strong, noble ... he beat the French at Agincourt, then managed to catch dysentry and die.

Uh... yeah, okay... O.o

Wow, I'm tired... but I have to wait for the laundry to finish. drat.

Note to Kuroiko: we'll see about the gym thing tomorrow or Wed. How's that?

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