Sleeping with Ghosts

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Chocolate Creme Saver?

2002-03-13 - 8:03 p.m.

currently: perfectly fine

*listening to "Samain Night," Loreena McKennitt*

I'll be a moon's breath from your side

Spring Break is a lovely lovely thing. Even if you don't go anywhere. Sitting around all day, doing trivial shit never felt so good.

On a more serious note, I believe my very sense of the world and myself is changing. Since I have some free time tomorrow, I may just drive out some place quiet and sit down in the grass. I need to get a handle on things and just think. I hope the weather is willing.

100 things about me
last installment

  1. I randomly get the urge to move the furniture around and will usually do so between 2 and 4am.
  2. I talk to myself while I'm cooking.
  3. Everything I draw is usually human or humanoid. I don't know why. Perhaps because every time I draw something else, I'm not pleased with it.
  4. Every time I hear Tori Amos' "Winter," I want to cry.
  5. When given the option to rename characters in a video game, I name them after my friends (the first time through the game, anyway).
  6. Beading jewelry distracts me from my worries for a little while, so I have necklaces and bracelets all over the place which I rarely wear.
  7. I wish I didn't have red hair.
  8. My mother got me a cell phone 2 Christmases ago, and I have yet to use it.
  9. I type with my fingers on the right keys.
  10. The first cassette I ever bought was MC Hammer's Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em. I was in the fifth grade. "Can't Touch This" was da bomb.
  11. I used to walk around with a ward around myself at all times until about six months ago, at which point I said, "What do I have to protect?"
  12. The CDs I've listened to the most are Vast's Visual Audio Sensory Theater, Poe's Haunted, and David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust.
  13. I like good smelly things. I keep incense handy in every room.
  14. I know all the words to every song I hear... until it goes off, then I'm lost.
  15. I wish I could sew.
  16. I'm an aunt.
  17. I'm a non-practicing heathen.
  18. I can only hear so much bullshit before I snap.
  19. I yell at the TV, especially if a talk show is on.
  20. I have no enemies, only annoyances.
  21. Over 50% of my college courses thus far have been a complete waste of time.
  22. I HATE being interrupted when I'm making a valid point. Should you ever do so I think you should know that, the second you speak, I am making a mental note to spit on your grave. Or slash your tires. Whichever comes easier.
  23. Loud noises, including voices, piss me off. I'm overly sensitive to them for some reason. If you want to be smacked, yell in my ear. Music, however, can never be too loud.
  24. My southern accent strongly comes through when I'm angry.
  25. When I was in the 4th grade, I prayed to God to make me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
  26. My only phobia is doctors. I'd sooner shoot myself than go to one.
  27. Sometimes, I'll sit around with friends and MST3K soft porn if there's nothing else to do.
  28. I love rain.
  29. I'm nocturnal.
  30. I think I'm in love.

there you have it, folks. 71-100 things about me.

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!

Yes, yes, I am slightly bored. But I am Squee! NEHEHEHE.

Hmmm. wow, I killed this day. O_o

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