Sleeping with Ghosts

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fuck her gently

2002-05-16 - 12:23 a.m.

currently: Grrr

*listening to Tenacious D*

Okay, so Rask has been begging me to get this game to play with him... says Rask can't play wihtout a Fyx. Right. Trouble is, the game is massive. I try to download it over night and get about 3/4 of it, then while I'm at work my connection crashes. So, I'm thinking to myself... "How can I get this friggin' game so Rask will get off my back?" So, on my day off, it comes to me. Go to my sister's house and use her dsl to get it. That's what I do. I go over there around 7 or so and start downloading 214mb. Meanwhile, I'm twiddling my thumbs and messaging him every once in while (he's completely emersed in the game and all but ignoring me). Two hours+ go by and finally I've got the damn thing downloaded, so I burn it on to a disk and go home. Then I spend an hour loading it on to my PC and trying to register. For some reason the registration page keeps crashing my PC. After about 6 reboots, I'm pretty fucking pissed off but get registered. I start up the program and it retrieves patches for the game. Joy. Then nothing. I get an error message. Does he give a shit? No. Nevermind he's the reason I went through all this. Nevermind I wasted half a day on it. Nevermind he was bugging the hell out of me to get it. >_<

Let this be a lesson to myself. Never believe a boy and never do anything for one when he asks you to. Boys suck. Boys lie. And boys are a pain in the ass.

I'm going to go watch Lord of the Rings now, I guess. I have to work at 6am, though. GRRRRRrrrr.

I'm gonna fuck you softly
I'm gonna screw you gently
I'm gonna hump you sweetly
I'm gonna bone you discreetly....

1:30 pm

currently: I rule.

*listening to Delerium, Poem*

So, I picked out the cheapest 3d accelerator we had in stock at work today and brought it home. I pulled out Yakumo (this PC) and peeled off his skin (his casing) and operated on him (installed the card). After a few annoying hold-ups by Windows (damn Bill Gates), I got everything running smoothly. I reset the properties of Ragnarok (the game I was babbling about earlier) and TADA! It's going to work. I had to shut off the stupid firewall software (grr, it's more trouble than it's worth)..... but then I find that the friggin servers are down for the game, so I can't try it out. Wahhhhhhh! I just have really shitty luck, don't I?

But I figured it all out on my own, which is the one thing I'm good at. I like solving problems such as this and digging around in my computer's guts. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. Yakumo is Frankenstein's monster... he's made up of different parts.

If anyone is interested in Ragnarok, scratch my post or leave me a note. Keep in mind that it's over 200mb to download and you must have a 3d card. If you're already a player, my names going to be Fyxation (imagine that).

la la la... I'm just happy that I figured it out. And without the help of INFERIOR MALE BRAINS. I'm kidding. I like male brains. They're good with white wine. And lots of cheese. Mmmmmmm.

I hardly got any sleep last night. My thoughts just kept circling and circling until I could hear circuits frying between my ears. So, I think I got 2 hours. I stopped looking at the clock just before 4.

My dad's been to the doctor around 4 times since his vacation started. Once for his eyes, twice for his stomach (he had to get an upper GI--ugh), and once today for his shoulder. Poor guy. He's falling apart. o_o;

I hope I look as young as my dad does when I am 60. Unfortunately, I look like I'm 35 now, and I'm only 23. I'm doomed! By the time I'm 60, I'll look 80. Greaaaaaat.

Legend finally comes out on DVD this Tues. ^_^ It's only one of my favorite movies of all time. Tim Curry rules!

Okay, I should go try to accomplish more stuff while I'm in a good mood. MEW!

Evil Airhead Heffalump

Airhead Heffalump

Soundtrack to your life:
J.S.Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor

Favourite website:

What's your star sign ?

Certified Personality Test result.


*listening to Apop, Welcome to Earth*

You want to take my soul away.....

Laaaaa. Murr. I'm feeling rather odd. Maybe it was that brief nap I took. Or maybe it's just my libido. Uh. Nevermind.

I love watching my speakers rattle with "Star Sign." And my cursor is bouncing all over the place. 'Tis amusing.

Larry seems to be okay. I think. I let him talk my ear off this morning, cuz he needed to, and that's what I'm here for. When I yelped "I love faeries!" after finding Legend in the warehouse, he said "Well, God, I hope so." TEEHEE. I love my homosexuals, too.


I wish I didn't work Saturday night. >_< I have to work next Saturday, as well. Bitches. Oh, well, I guess I need to make up some of the money I've been spending.... like on that video card I bought today.

I need to call Mommy.

Emptiness is filling me to the point of agony

Eee. I'm not depressed right now. That was just the lyric I heard at the time I wrote that.

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