Sleeping with Ghosts

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Ovid... work... family

2001-10-14 - 10:12 p.m.

currently: Steaming

*listening to the Groove Armada remixes*

I just got off work.... if they'd kept me past 10, I could have sued them. drat. I go back in at 6am. I shoulda left a long time ago; they had plenty of people and didn't need my help. Most of the time, I was wandering around trying to look busy. Hell, at least I got paid and fed. I'm still in my uniform *twitches*.
Much better...

EEEK! My uncle and a cousin are coming to visit tomorrow @_@. I haven't seen them in a good 3-4 years. Swell... I have to clean. Actually, my side of the house looks fine. It's my father's side that's trashed. He doesn't seem to admire the qualities of a good trash can. I'm sure when I move out, he'll be doing some remodeling. Namely, making his den into 2 rooms with a wall of cola cans. *sigh* With parents like mine, it's a wonder I don't live in a latrine.

Wahhhh..... I dun wanna work tomorrow. Fuck my job in the ear! Soon as I get home, I'll try to read some Ovid and try to clean up some. I wonder what my uncle will think of my side of the house. It's covered in posters and gadgets and gizmos and candles and thingies. I'm a pack rat. But an organized one. My cds are in alphabetical order... and on a spreadsheet on my computer. Yes, that's my type of insanity--directly given to me by my mother. Organized chaos. And my dvds and videos and video games are all in order. If they're not, I obsess about it. Sad...

Pah... I have a few minutes before I have to attempt to sleep. I don't feel like reading. Ah FUDGE. I just remembered my poetry journal is due tomorrow. DAMMIT. That means I'll have to come up with 3 more entries of BS... Grrrrr..... Maybe I can do that in Lit class while everyone's discussing Ovid. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT... *cries* and I do have this shit written down somewhere, but i never bother to look at it. *tries to think happy thoughts* aw fuckit.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data