Sleeping with Ghosts

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Damage Control

2002-06-08 - 9:27 p.m.


*listening to Loreena McKennitt again*

What sort of cheap crack was Henry smoking when he wrote Greensleeves? Don't get me wrong... pretty and all... but @_@
my petty coat of silk and white

As some of you may have noticed, my image hosting webspace is/was down.

I finally took a nap and had some sort of fuct up Lord of the Rings dream. Well, Frodo was there, anyway. Don't ask. I shudder to recall the stupidity. I think in the same dream or perhaps a different one, I was in labor for 28 hours. My brain forgot to throw in such minor details as why or with what.

"'I cannot tell you a story because we are not done creating our own...'"

The funny thing is, before I took a nap, I was said out loud, "Tell me a story."

And how many times must I tell you that I have BLUE eyes. *sigh*

I should do something tonight since I am off tomorrow. Do you think I will?

The thundering waves are calling me home to you
The pounding sea is calling me home to you

On a dark New Year's night
On the west coast of Clare
I heard a voice singing
Your eyes danced the song
Your hands played the tune
T'was a vision before me

We left the music behind and the dance carried on
As we stole away to the seashore
We smelt the brine, felt the wind in our hair
And with sadness you paused

Suddenly I knew that you'd have to go
My world was not yours, your eyes told me so
Yet it was there I felt the crossroads of time
And I wondered why

As we cast our gaze on the tumbling sea
A vision came o'er me
Of thundering hooves and beating wings
In clouds above

As you turned to go I heard you call my name
You were like a bird in a cage, spreading its
Wings to fly
"The Old Ways are lost" you sang as you flew
And I wondered why

The thundering waves are calling me home to you
The pounding sea is calling me home to you


2:53 p.m.

currently: wired

*listening to Loreena McKennitt, The Visit and Elemental*

I didn't go back to sleep. I tried. Brain was too alert.

So, I got my Spiderman comforter.


I also got a hair cut. I hate it when the hairdresser makes a fuss because I draw a picture of exactly what I want. O.o it's not artistic... it's bizarre.
"That's so good. You're so talented."
"Shutup, you're getting a tip, so just shutUP."

It was a crummy drawing, trust me. Took five minutes to do and it was just a head and some hair.



O' Bonny Portmore....

Hmmm... Must have eaten one too many saugage biscuits at the meeting this morning. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I feel like I'm on a sugar or caffeine buzz.

Hey, Wolf Man, turns out my friend at work is married to Paul Mateyoke (sp?). Dardidarrrrr... They bailed Buz out of jail--or rather, Paul did. Why? Hell if I know.

Ah, the blessing of womanhood is upon me. Fuck. Well, at least I know I'm not preggers with the anti-christ (though I wonder if I could apply for welfare if I were...). What are you looking at? So, I have a period once every blue moon. So what? Let's see you be an anemic chemically challenged freak, huh!? GRRAAAAAAAAWWRRR.

AIiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee I have no hair! And it feels really good. I would have preferred the lady had not put pomade in my hair *insert O Brother joke here*.

Spiderman spiderman la la la

I sorta wanna see Star Wars again. But the urge to MST3K is strong in me. The first half of the movie nearly demands it. Hurf.

Mmm roast smells good.

I must go find something to do until this buzz wears off. Ja ne.

10:00 a.m.

currently: too early... must sleep

*listening to Poe, Haunted*

"Hello, nobody's home. Leave a message after the beep; somebody'll get back to you."

I just got home from the perfunctory-blah-blah morning corporate meeting at work.
Thank the gods, that's over.

New Bowie comes out Tuesday *Fyx has happy seizure and falls out of chair*

So... none of the peoples seem to have the same days off for my plot. Hmm... We may just have to get together late some night, then, for Wolf Man leaves Friday (I think). Blurf

While you were busy destroying my life, what was half of me has become whole.

Oh, shutup, I know damn near all the words on this CD.

Keep in mind, my darling, not every saint is a fool.

"dong quai root contains compounds that help to normalize a woman's monthly cycle." Oh, yeah? Well, what if I'm normal, and everyone else is screwed up?

Why the hell haven't I gone back to bed yet? I can't just yet. My intuition is gnawing a hole through my stomach.

I had a ridiculous dream before I went to work this morning. In it, I asked Rask to marry me. HA HA HAHAHAHAha. ha. *goes crosseyed* Dear Gawd, I'm not a kid anymore. Shoot me.


So, this is it. This is me writing that I'm retiring this life for another one. Which one, I'm not exactly sure, but it's sure to be better than the current one. No, I'm not pulling some pagan bullshit out of my ass and offing myself.

Make love to my baby
It's a wonderful idea, but it doesn't work.

The gym's a start, I guess. I'm going to try to go to school full time this fall. If I can register decently on time. I'll cut down my hours at work, if I have to. I hate that place anyway. I want to finish school as soon as possible, so I can have one less thing to worry about. I can do it, because I have the patience (sometimes) for school. All I require is time. I got stressed out last fall because I was turning in papers nearly every day, and I felt their quality was absolute shit. But I pretty much aced those classes, so it wasn't as bad as I imagined. Maybe I'll go back to EKU in a year.

The time has come to put away childish things.

Now... off to sleep.

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data