Sleeping with Ghosts

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another blissful day of nothing

2002-06-09 - 7:21 p.m.

currently: PLAY WITH ME

*listening to David Bowie, BBC Radio Theatre, London, June 27, 2000*


I tried to straighten up my room. Thought about moving the furniture. eh. Tried to set up a small altar of happy shit in the corner. I think it needs more room than what I gave it, which is why I was thinking of moving the furniture. Pah, oh well.

I want to be a cat. I want to be a cat and curl up in David Bowie's lap. I hope he's not allergic.

I absolutely love you
We're absolute beginners

And I'm absolutely nucking futs. =p

So... I wish there was a chip that you could plant in the brain that would allow one to communicate with whomever they wish whenever they want. Hnnn... no, that might be bad.

I think perhaps fear has sewn itself so deeply into my brain pan that I cannot function in a useful manner to anyone. Not that I want to be used. No, I'm quite sick of that, I think. What I mean to convey is that I'm having trouble communicating in even a half-positive way. Or something. Paranoia and distrust rule the mind. Or something. And sometimes, when I want to converse intelligently, my brain shuts down. Murr.

I'm going to shutup and watch anime now.

2:17 p.m.

currently: Huh?

*listening to random EBM*

When I looked in the mirror this morning, I didn't recognize myself. Honestly. I said, "Wait, that's not my body. WAIT! That's not me!" It was good for a two second laugh.


I was thinking about re-doing my diary, but I like Seishiro. Hmmm... I'll give him a lil while longer.

Hmm. I should catch up on stuff today. I still have comics heaped beside my bed and anime to watch and games to play or finish. I should enjoy the summer while I can, ne?

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data