Sleeping with Ghosts

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Said it before, I'll say it again, WORK SUX

2001-10-16 - 3:16 p.m.

current state: Scary bitch

*listening to New Order's Get Ready*

Happy Birthday again, Fox.

Now, onto the venting.
This has been a shitty day all around. I woke up late. I wouldn't have woken up at all if my dad hadn't got me up. So, I drove to work, getting this sick feeling in my stomach. It was telling me something bad was going to happen today. I get to work, do my monkey's job. Then my supervisor shows up and pulls me to the side. He has not one but two write-ups on me. One, I can accept. I was late. My fault, sorta... been having bouts of insomnia lately. The second write-up is for some shit that happened over two weeks ago. The bosses were trying to hold me responsible for some crap and were making it look like I hadn't done my job. Well, I refused to sign that write-up. They can kiss my fucking ass. The district manager of my department--as sack of shit about as equally useless as my supervisor--had supposedly looked over my work. What he was actually doing was looking at what I hadn't gotten to yet. He left the area looking like crap, when I wasn't even there to defend myself and show what I had done. I got blamed for the mess he left. Does anyone believe me? Hell no; I'm just a peon. He even had the balls to deny he'd left the mess. That fucking fuckhead mother fucker. Goddamn, I am pissed off. I spent twenty minutes defending myself in front of my supervisor and general manager. This is utter crap. How my supervisor still has his job is a mystery. I'm sure he'll lose it soon. And to be honest, I don't give a fuck if one of the seniors in my department gets his job, even if neither of them are qualified. Everyone there keeps spouting that they want to get rid of the people who don't do anything. If it were true, my department would be virtually non-existent. None of the new people are worth backwash, save one or two. And those two barely know their jobs yet. Larry and I are the only ones that know where to find everything, where to put everything, how to use the equipment, how to handle customers, etc etc. It's disheartening that I've put two years into this company and I'm treated like shit. I am seriously going to look into finding another job. I hate to do it. But there is no one left in that hell hole that gives a fuck about customers or employees. Plus, I think I'd feel better working in a place where the customer is valued instead or robbed blind. When I do find another job, I'll pity my family and friends still there. Hey, a discount's a discount, and I'll use it for sure. But I don't want any more incompetent, lying assholes telling me what to do. Maybe when I see them do my job, then I'd be able to listen to their criticism without wanting to break something, but I doubt I'll ever live to see that day. To hell with them.

I'm so tired and sore and feeling sick in general that I'm staying home from a class today. Hopefully, I won't miss anything of importance. Midterms are a bitch... Got 2 out of the way now. 2 more to go. Shoot me now. Please? With sugar on top?

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