Sleeping with Ghosts

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Q & A

2002-06-24 - 7:30 p.m.

currently: la

*listening to Tenacious D*

Naps are good. Dreams about watching porn with a male friend are not o.O

I'm hungry. Hmmm.

I just wanted to say I love you.
Dude, thanks.

I like my shelves! WEeeeeeeeeeeeEEEeee. Were they worth $50? Probably not, but I like them.

I've spent far too much money these last couple weeks. I'm going to deposit everything in my next paycheck except car insurance money.

From the way things are sounding at work, getting a suitable raise does not sound likely.... Fuck. Fuck them for trying to fuck me over. AGGGHHHHHH!

Hell, din din is almost prepared. Yea!

1:00 p.m.


Question and answer time:

1. Open up your CD player, what's inside? Schiller's "Dream of You" single, VNV Nation FuturePerfect, and Vast Music for People.

2. Look in your VCR/DVD player, is there a movie? Nope, I keep them in their cases when not being watched.

3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it? track 5 on the Schiller CD listed above.

4. What are you wearing? Cowboy Bebop t-shirt, blue jeans, white socks, undies.

5.Look down, what's the first thing that catches your eye? My rack.

6. Turn on your TV if it's not on already, what network is it? The TV is in the den. I probably left it on Comedy Central, I bet.

7. Look out the window, what's the weather like? Very warm, but there's a cool breeze coming through. I smell rain.

8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call? Toni or Bry's house, probably.

9. Say "hello?" out loud, did anyone answer? My cat looked at me.

10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline? Sleep


[Full Name] Samantha =P

[Nicknames] Sammy, Mistress, Fyx, Neks (pronounced neeks), Death

[Screen Names] Fyx, Fyxation, Fyxated, mdeath86

[Birthday] February 26, 1979

[Marital Status] Are you proposing?

[I would Never Become A/An...] Politician

[I Can't Stop Listening To...] VNV Nation's "Epicentre" and "Electronaut"

[My Favorite Song of the Moment Is...] Apoptygma Berzerk's "Kathy's Song (come lie next to me)"

[I Hate School Because...] It's been a waste of money thus far.

[I Like School Because...] If I weren't in school, I'd be working full time at a job I really hate.

[I Dress The Way I Do Because...] I don't give a shit.

[Say Something Cool...] Aishiteru... watashi no kitsune.


If I Were a Stone, I Would Be a- I was going to write gall stone, just to be a smartass... but... a piece of rose quartz suits me better.

If I Were a Tree, I Would Be a - Douglas Fur

If I Were an Insect, I Would Be a - Monarch butterfly

If I Were a Machine, I Would Be a - stereo

If I Were a Fruit, I Would Be a - I already am a fruit... but I'd like to be strawberry flavored.

If I Were a Flower, I Would Be a - Tigerlily

If I Were a Kind of Weather, I Would Be a - gentle spring rain

If I Were a Mythical Creature, I Would Be a - a vampire, and I would kill indiscriminately.

If I Were a Musical Instrument, I Would Be a - harp or cello. Both sound nice

If I Were a Kind of Profession, I Would Be a - *thinks "poorly phrased question is hurting my head'* brain surgeon

If I Were an Animal, I Would Be a - White Bengel Tiger

If I Were Anything In The World, I Would Be - the wrath of mother earth.

If I Were a Color, I Would Be - dark gray

If I Were a Fragrance, I Would Be - Vanilla Musk

If I Were an Emotion, I Would Be - worry

If I Were a Vegetable, I Would Be - hoping someone would pull the plug

If I Were a Sound, I Would Be - a kitten's purr

If I Were an Element, I Would Be - H2O

If I Were a Movie Star, I Would Be - rich, hopefully

If I Were a Holiday, I Would Be - Hallowe'en


Do You Have Any Allergies? mold

Have You Adored Someone? to a frightening degree

Do You Talk To Yourself, Loudly Enough For Someone to Hear You? All the time

What Do You Smell Like Right Now? the soap I just used to wash my hands.

1) Three things you'd eat on the last day of your life: a Cadbury Egg, my dad's roast, and New York cheesecake (in no particular order)

2) Three CDs from your collection that are your favourite: Poe's Haunted, Vast's Visual Audio Sensory Theater, and David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust

3) Three movies that made you think: Ghost in the Shell, 12 Monkeys, and Blade Runner

4) Three people you would have sex with: getting personal, here, aren't we? Fuck off

5) Three vacations you have taken: 2 weeks in the British Isles, 1 week at Myrtle Beach, 1 week in Florida

6) Three songs you get stuck in your head frequently: Fiona Apple's "Paper Bag," Poe's "I'm Not a Virgin Anymore", and Tori Amos' "Raspberry Swirl"

7) Three things you'd like to learn: German, mercy, and patience

8) Three beverages you drink frequently: Water, water, and more water

9) Three TV shows that were on when you were a kid: Quantum Leap, Thundercats, and Transformers

10) Three things you'd like to do now: get braces, win the lotto, and go swimming

11) Three things of which you are scared: stupid people, intimacy, doctors

12) Three things you hate: my sensitivity, headaches, and stupid people

13) Three things on your desk: cigarettes, an empty cup that had water in it, and a penny

14) Three things I plan to do before I die: Travel across country by car, get a motorcycle, write a book

Well, that was entertaining. Now I must sleep. I kept waking up last night, for some reason... grrr.

edited at 7:30pm

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