Sleeping with Ghosts

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Rollercoaster Cherry

2002-07-28 - 9:00 p.m.

You are a muse.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Your magical style is Psychic.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

3:50 p.m.

currently: huzzah

*listening to VNV Nation, Empires*

O_O My mother is here.... and she just walked in and started sobbing at me and telling me no one cares about her. blah blah blah... nobody loves me, nobody cares... I'm going to go sit on the couch and cry and feel sorry for myself now.

I was going to right something relatively neutral, actually, when she walked in here. I had my headphones on and was oblivious to the outside world. Then I saw her in my peripheral vision and took off my headphones to hear the horrid sound of her sniveling. Aren't I a sweet child?

She had initially come into my dwelling a few minutes before and told me the same thing she's been telling me for months. She's fighting for custody of my brother. She got a new lawyer (as if she has the money for that). They're trying to put him in a group home or something. Same things over and over. I've run out of responses for her. I wouldn't be so disgusted with the whole predicament if she wasn't worried the most about her fucking income. If she loses Jamie, she'll lose more than half of her social security. And HORROR OF HORRORS! she'd have to get a job! *gasp* That seems to be the only thing she cares about. Does she expect me to be sympathetic?

The world's a terrible place. Thanks for shoving me into it, Mother.

nothing i can do
that i have not done
no words i can say
no truth left that i can see
so must i let this end
let everything fall apart
before i live my life as i have always done
tell me what to do
so i do nothing wrong
something i can hope for
something real that i can see
so nothing falls apart
so this does not end
i cannot return
i can't start again

*goes down the hall, peeks in other room*

Now she's sitting with my dad. He seems overjoyed.

Indeed, these sport quarts that Kuroiko and I picked up at KI look like big, black dildos. There's even a big hand gripping its base. I almost feel dirty drinking from it. Must put all kinds of bad thoughts in the male genders' heads.

I am bruised in some strange places. Some of them, I can understand. Ya know, being flung to and fro in a rollercoaster seat is bound to leave some marks. But I'm still trying to figure out the others.

Ah... she's back....

12:24 a.m.

currently: I'm no longer a rollercoaster virgin.

*listening to Apop--what else?*

Heh. Got up around 8am and picked up Kuroiko at 8:30. Drove to Paramount's Kings Island in about 2 hours. Rode Son of Beast right off the bat.

Son of Beast is the tallest wooden rollercoaster in the world, and it's the only wooden rollercoaster with a loop. It kicked ass. Kuroiko bought a copy of the photo of us while on the ride for me ^_^ (I look like shit). I bought a t-shirt.

Then came the Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. 0 to 54mph in 4 seconds.... in the dark. Loops, twists, much screaming. Much fun.

The original Beast is the longest wooden rollercoaster in the world. Many hills, much screaming, lots of air time. Bought a massive mug with its logo on it.

Left the park at about 9:30pm. I now have a freckly farmer tan. >_< First thing my dad said when I walked in the door was, "Hi, freckles." Grrr.

With the exception of a vein-popping headache in the middle of the afternoon, it was a good day.

I bought a little t-shirt that reads "Travis I [heart] you." It's specifically designed to fit a stuffed animal. Kuroiko took one look at it and said, "Dork." O.o Yes, yes, I am a dork. =P

Well, It's almost 1, and I have a damn meeting to attend in the morning. Pah.

I'm all freckled out and in need of sleep.

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