Sleeping with Ghosts

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not groovy

2001-10-30 - 8:47 p.m.

currently: sobbing

*listening to Mesh: Last Breath of You*

*sniffle* Bruce Campbell was at the bookstore signing If Chins Could Kill, and I couldn't get over to the bookstore in time to get a copy because of my stupid fucking communications class. Wahhhhhh. When I got over there, all the books were sold out, and they had ordered people in line by the alphabet. I got there at E and left by G. I hung out for an hour or more. I was talking to some people that had R.... =( they're going to be there 'til early next morning, I'm sure.
I would've skipped my comm class, but I had to be there to watch and episode of Coach for my midterm. Yes, that's my midterm. I have to write 5-6 pages on a fucking episode of Coach. And I paid for that class, too.

Gods, I'm tired. I nearly passed out in both classes today. I felt like I needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open. I haven't eaten dinner, either, and it's about 9. Grawllllll...!!!

I have to write a Lit paper tonight or tomorrow morning, too. GODDAMN I AM SICK OF THIS SHIT. Shoot me now! With hollowpoints! I need some serious vacation time. Maybe I'll get my dad's tymeshare and crawl away into the mountains somewhere for a week.

Bruce Campbell is one of those lucky men that age very slowly. Here I am, 22, and I look like I'm in my thirties. Smoking isn't helping. you know i'm not a saint
So, this paper I have to write is about Augustine's Confessions, and I'm at a total loss as how not to come off completely anti-christian. I don't understand the christian theology. I don't care to, either. But the professor assumes everyone's familiar with Christianity and the feelings that Augustine's babbling about, so I have to come up with two pages of BS saying I get it. Uhh... okay.

I guess I'll go eat something resembling a meal now.

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