Sleeping with Ghosts

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I'm super, thanks for asking

2002-02-01 - 3:18 p.m.

currently: la la la

*listening to Peter Murphy's Indigo Eyes*


You answered all questions in a gay way. You must be gay. If not, you are extremely okay with gay people.

To take the quiz yourself, click here now!

Wow.... I'm not homophobic. Duh. Half my coworkers are gay and some of my best friends have homosexual tendencies. Hell, even I do. But I'm guessing it's because I'm totally comfortable and secure with my sexuality.

I get pretty damn irritated when a guy asks if I am attracted to women. Mainly, they want to know for their own perverted day-dreams of two girls going at it.... But they're never happy with my answer. I say, yes, I can find women attractive. This automatically leads to "Would you have sex with a woman?" To which, I reply, no. Sexually speaking, women don't arouse me.
It seems every guy that's asked me this so far has the same thought pattern. "If you're attracted to them, you must want to sleep with them." This is very untrue. I'm attracted to a lot of things. I like anything that's aestethically (why do I feel like I butchered that word?) pleasing. I'm attracted to the woods, it doesn't mean I'm going to go out and hump a tree. Besides, I might get splinters.

Most women I know can look at a woman and form an opinion of her beauty. It's not sexual at all.

When I ask the males that have started these predictable and pointless conversations, "Would you sleep with a man?" more often than not, the answer I receive is "Hell no," which is usually followed by, "I'm not attracted to guys."
So, I'm convinced these guys have some sort of complex about admitting if they think another guy is attractive. Insecurity, homophopia, call it whatever. Admitting you find someone cute, handsome, etc. does not obligate you to fuck him.

If it did, my anime collection is in trouble. Not to mention my posters, artbooks, cds, and manga. And that little bowl of incense in the living room. WOooo... gets me hot just thinking about it. Urrr... you get my point.

I was mistaken for a lesbian quite a bit when I was younger. Of course, most of the morons that made that assumption had no idea how to recognize a gay person, so it didn't bother me that much. Perhaps they formed an idea of what "gay" looks like based on what their parents, peers, and TV said. Not every short-haired chick is a lesbian. And not every guy with an earring is gay.

If I had the patience, I would sit down with each of these mislead fools and explain it to them. But I wasn't blessed with patience, so I've dumped this wonderfully inept breed into the "stupid people" bin in the back of my brain. Unfortunately, this has caused an involuntary function when I'm in one's presence. As soon as he/she's mouth opens, it triggers my eyes to roll. Makes it very hard not to appear bitchy......

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