Sleeping with Ghosts

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Reading Rainbow

2002-02-27 - 7:49 p.m.

currently: got my hands full

*listening to Queen, "It's a Kind of Magic"*

I just revamped Harleyquin's diary again. Go see: The Little Page of Right Nuts

That took a while. I couldn't get it to look just right. Finally, I got it to lay as I wanted it to. I'm happy with it. She's probably not. But screw you, Harley! That's what you get! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hmm... I bombed an Art Exam today. I didn't study at all cuz yesterday was the ol' birthday, and I didn't wanna do shit--'cept for lounge around and sleep. I slept 'til about 2pm today. It was nice.

I might reformat my diary soon. Subaru is yummy and all, but I'm getting tired of looking at him. Wish I could remember how I got that image to look all perty. Playing with Photoshop is hours of fun.

*rocks out to Bohemian Rhapsody*

oh yeah... oh yeah... Nothing really matters. Anyone can see, nothing really matters... Nothing really matters to meeeee
Any way the wind blows


Well, let's see. I need to narrow down my interests so I'll stop spending money on too much shite.

At the moment, I spend most of my time:

  • watching anime
  • reading manga
  • screwing around on the PC
  • working
  • going to school
  • playing video games
  • painting
  • doodling
  • listening to music
  • writing
  • reading comics
  • corresponding with friends
  • talking to Rask
  • other boring shit not worth mentioning

How terribly exciting, I know. I wish I had the time to read. Truth is, I haven't read a real BOOK in about a year. =( I'm slow anyway, being dyslexic, but I simply don't have the time to sit down and delve into a book. And I want so badly to re-read some of the books I have and the ones sitting on my shelf untouched. And I want to read some of the classics. They're so enjoyable when a teacher isn't telling you to look for more content and meaning than what's in them. Reading too deeply into some books spoils them. Ya hardly have time to sit back and say, "Wow, that was REALLY good."
Since taking college Lit. courses, I appreciate the simplicity of reading for enjoyment. Unfortunately, I haven't shown my appreciation. =/

everything I had to know, I heard it on my radio

-end of transmission-

The Queen of Spades

where you go, I go. - 2013-03-17
leave me the way I was - 2012-11-08
Never Flicker - 2012-11-03
Sis boom bah - 2012-11-02
Like a rusty needle in your eye - 2012-08-07

lost - data